Monday, January 31, 2011

Reclaim your Health and You

Good Morning,
So grateful to wake up doing what I love and creating more people to join me on the wonderful fitness journey to reclaim are life's one day at a time. One thing I am realizing is it does take a lot of accountability to stay focused on this journey its not always easy staying motivated to keep going but what I find if I stay consistent and realize its a process daily, and that if I stay consistent even on the days I don't feel like exercising I always feel better afterwards, so the reward is always feeling great after I push through..You have to make your body your slave and make it do what you want it to do.

Creating a healthy lifestyle does take time if your use to old bad habits, and old ways of being eating whatever you want, and not working out it does take time that's why I'm creating easy to follow along videos on my YouTube channel to help assist you in seeing just do something anything is better then nothing, and I promise you once you start a workout routine and be consistent you will start to feel better and get stronger and lose weight, and then you really start living the life you were created to live.

Take this time to refocus your path, and direction to a great, healthy one and let me be your coach that encourages you daily that your not alone and gives you the support and accountability you need so that you don't fail this time ...we together create a team of members through Beachbody that becomes like family to keep you on track, and loving the process with so much encouragement daily and the Shakeology I promise gives you the energy you need to do it..

Make today the first day of your life no more excuses as to why you cant workout and get healthy let me assist you in really living the best life and creating the best You at any age and at any weight its never to late to reclaim you health so join me today
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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