Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Be adventurious and spontaneous

Good Morning,
Everyday can be an adventure always striving for more and better in your attitude and your health and well being, and it can reflect everyone around you ..I'm looking at my life and how I'm raising my kids so different then my parents raised me..I feel I need to discipline my kids but also keep the communication open, and honest and let me be the one that they come to for problems, and solutions and not be afraid to tell me what they need to...Being a teen is difficult so many changes and things they go through daily, peer pressure,and you name it, so I figure If I make a safe happy house for them to come to with lots of food its better then them running the streets and getting in trouble.

We all have to decide what is right for are life, and for me because Im blessed to be a stay at home mom I love having all my kids friends over and as you saw on my YouTube video now I'm having then workout to videos once in awhile, and they loved it its a great way to stay in shape and use there energy productively.

I am honored and blessed to be a mom its one of the accomplishments I'm so proud of in my life being a mom is the hardest job in the world but also the most rewarding job in the world. Kids are a blessing until they hit teens and then you get to be patient through the storm and guide them back to you and everything you have taught them all the values and morals. I create so much fun and excitement that they all love it here at my house, music, laughter and fun..sometimes they have such busy schedules that they need fun down time as well..so celebrate and love your kids and cherish the time you have with them by spending as much time with them as you can because someday they may not want to spend time with you and then they will move out and be gone so keep your relationships strong and loving..make your home the one they love to come home to.. a safe happy, peaceful place.

Make your day amazing doing what you love and sharing it with the world it all starts with you and remember your never to old to dance. You have the ability to impact your life posively and others.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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