Thursday, January 13, 2011

Work on You Daily

Good Morning woke up to rain today loving all the weather we receive here in Washington never boring that's for sure. Loving the weather whatever it brings. Today I want to focus on emotions and why we allow other peoples actions to control how we feel about ourselves, and why we react the way we do to them.

I believe when your expectations of another become to High and then they have bad days like we all do then it becomes like...NOW WHAT.. when they fail to meet your expectations just as we all will because we are human and we will fail, and we are all not going to be on a high all the time, once in awhile the bad comes out, so what I have learned in myself, and in others when I and others fail to meet my expectations, I have on myself and others..instead of freaking out on myself or them... I have learned to shift my mind off of my failures and focus on something else right away..learn from it and move on not stay stuck in those disappointing thoughts that want to capture your mind and soul.

By doing this daily and retraining yourself to take pleasure in only what you do, and making your life better daily and focusing on your goals and dreams ..rather then someone Else's it makes this world a whole lot easier..people will fail you and disappoint you if you allow them to but remember you must not allow someones actions to affect how you feel about yourself..You must stay strong and confident knowing that you too... need improvement daily striving daily to be the best You that you can be and pray for the people in your life to do the same, and then let it go, take a deep breath and don't let anyone steal your dreams and vision for your life.

Sometimes friends and people in your life are only put there for a short time we never know we have different seasons and sometimes we need to be alone to look deep within oneself and learn to love and be OK with who we are..don't stay so busy and so focused on other peoples life's that you forget to work on yourself daily we must always improve are thoughts and feeling and health daily..Like therapy on yourself daily...Then the little things that use to bug you about people and situations.. you will not focus on as much, and you will learn to allow all the good and bad to come as it will and you will be strong enough in your emotions to be able to handle the good with the bad..Learning, and strengthening your mind, body, soul, and spirit daily takes work but your worth it take care of yourself today there is only one of you and no one in the whole world is like you your a gift to celebrate daily..Enjoy your day.
Peace and Love Daily, Ursula

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