Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Keep Moving forward

Good Morning,
In life we will have many ups and downs and situations that happen that we have no control over, and things that happen even though we are doing everything right that will try and knock us down and break are spirits, and get us discouraged from moving forward and grabbing ahold of our dreams and making then happen. We have no control over what someone Else's actions are or will be, and we have to learn not to let there bad choices or actions effect the way that we fill about are self and keep us stuck.

You must set your mind on your prize whatever it is you want and desire in your life and set your goals, and do everything you can daily to achieve all your goals and dreams, and we can not force anyone to join are excitement and our way of being ..we all have a choice daily what path to take..we can inspire and Love but ultimately they choose there path and there goals and dreams.

So as a coach I can be the best leader and role model as I can be and do all that I know to do, but whether or not people join me on my excitement, and my business routine, and the path to a successful business, and weight loss goals is up to them where they want to take it. I feel like in anything you do in life you must have a burning desire deep within yourself that keeps you pumped up and excited daily..It up to you. Yes its great to have a wonderful team leader that guides and leads you in a powerful way and that person can only do so much for you, and then its up to you to take what they share with you, and see there great leadership skills , and then apply that to your daily routine and stay consistent, and pumped up and keep advertising and staying excited, and change your life and bring everyone with you..Do not let any negative people in your life get you discouraged...Its up to you where you want your life to be and go.

Do you want to let people that do nothing in there life tell you negative things, and keep you stuck because there stuck or do you want to keep pushing forward to the greatest life you can ever imagine possible...In business and network marketing not everyone is going to feel the way you feel and share the same dream as you or be inspired and motivated like you, so for them pray for them love them and move on until you find the great leaders that are going to take your Business to the next level..Please don't waist your time or energy on people that just don't get it and are going to waste your energy with there negative thoughts and actions.

We don't have to beg anyone to get in the best shape of there life and to convince them that this company is amazing and we all feel better..No they either get it or they like staying stuck in there miserable unhealthy lifestyle..we all have a personal choice on how we want to live are life's... Do we want to live the greatest most vital life's we can live feeling the best we have ever felt and sharing with others because we are so happy., Or do we want to live unhealthy life's feeling bad about ourselves and miserable and over weight, and out of shape, and negative and reflecting negative energy all around"Misery loves Company" Its a choice Daily no one can force you to be all and have all...ITS YOUR CHOICE. So I say I'm gonna live my life the greatest I can live it, and the healthiest and I'm going to continue to advertise and share not to convince you but to give you a choice and what you do with this great business opportunity, and Shakeology is up to you.

Make your own choices for your life whatever works for you ..You can inspire only people who are open to receiving and you cannot force anyone to do what they don't want to do... you get to give the information as a leader and then the ones that get it will run with it and the ones that don't will be left behind, and that's all we can do..and then we get to keep moving forward creating the best life that we can see in our dreams and make it happen for ourselves....KEEP MOVING FORWARD ~
Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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