Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Attract what you want

GOOD Morning,
I'm starting to get back into the schedule of getting up early and starting my day at 4:30 am after husband goes to work ..much more productive early in the morning then when I sleep in it never feels like I get enough done when I waste my mornings sleeping. Life is so full of wonderful things and opportunities when You wake up and start focusing on gratitude early in the morning, and writing this Blog during the week allows me to stay positive and focused on my goals and the things I want to do and be daily, and I pray by me sharing with you that it allows you to see a new perspective on life as well...Knowing we will have good and bad days its just how fast we want to change are bad days and shift..we now have tools to assist us in shifting faster and not staying stuck in the bad.

I use to stay stuck in bad moods for days not knowing how to change my mood just being miserable..now I allow myself only a little bit of time ..of bad mood time and shift my mood fast by taking myself away for awhile and doing something I love to retrain my thoughts, or even laying down for awhile resting even helps..we all go through many things in life that can bring us down its just how fast we choose to shift and move from that low way of thinking.

I choose now when things seem to go bad or wrong to deal with it right away not numb my feelings but really deal grieve or whatever I have to do and then move on fast Celebrating, Loving, Allowing, and expecting and attracting good in my life, and expecting more abundance and health in my life the more you focus on gratitude, and Love the more of it you attract...Love with all your heart and soul..mind, body, and spirit...You get to attract what you want in your life daily its a choice you must make for yourself.

Whatever you focus on is what you attract..so if you focus on only bad well then guess what you will keep attracting it and more....If you focus on gratitude, Love, health, positive Living, loving yourself first....More you will attract all areas will be affect with more of what you are focusing on..So my prayer for you today is that... when something bad happens deal with fast emotionally feel your feelings, and then move on fast attracting more love, and abundance to your life and surround yourself with everything you Love and be Love to all..make a choice today not to stay stuck in sorrow or pain any longer....TODAY IS YOUR DAY TO BE FREE FROM PAIN AND HURT. Have the greatest day ever attracting what you want..I'm attracting more coaches to my business, more customers ordering workout videos, and shakeology, and getting in the best shape ever daily with a positive uplifting spirit full of gratitude.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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