Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Teens and following your Peace

Good Morning,
Being a parent doesn't not mean that you have to give up your Dreams and plans for your life it just means that things take longer, because of all the distractions you have as a parent..Yes you must put your children first,but that doesn't mean that you have to stop your life, and stop living, it just means now that your a parent you must put your children first, and still follow your dreams and purpose it just sometimes takes longer to get there, because you are so busy with your family.

For me I have chosen the path to stay home and do my best to make money along the way. while cooking, and cleaning and wearing my many hats. I enjoy staying busy and keeping my mind stimulated, and getting a pay check... that is very important to me. But also I have to say on this journey of staying home there has been many distractions along the way that have taken me away from business...LIKE SUMMER ...with three Teens. You think the older they get the less you will have to worry and be involved, and that is simply not the case they need you more and you must watch them more because they think that they can do anything, and nothing bad will ever happen, and there is many distractions for them as well. Its a daily retraining there mind and spirit for good and not evil, and assisting them along the way to make healthy teen decisions.

What they do as a Teen could greatly effect there future so its very important as a parent to stay on top of it and know where they are at all times even if you have to Screw the Basement windows shut so when there friends come to there window late at night to sneak them out they cant get out, and get a security system for your house whatever it takes to keep them safe and off the streets... that is what you must do.

So when your going through the wonderful teen years just" remember this too shall Pass"
Remember what you did when you were a Teen and remember that your parents survived and so shall you. God will not give you more than you can handle in one day, and no matter how old your kids are you will have the strength to get through the good and bad days. Whatever you need to do for yourself to get through the tough times do it always take time to recharge your battery never ever feel bad for taking your along time or spending time with good friends, that all helps.

I spent time with two of my best friends for lunch yesterday that I haven't seen all summer and we laughed , we shared , and we bounced ideas off of each other,I always get great feedback from them its nice to have such great smart friends to share your time with ...I must make it more often. I have come to the realization that one of my Businesses that I'm in is not what I want to Market,and haven't been motivated all summer, so Ive decided to stop one of them and follow my passion for Health and Wellness instead, and start my own Business as a Personal Shopper.

You must always follow your purpose and passion and not someone Else's. Be careful to only do what you want in business and the direction that is right for you, and not what someone else wants you to do. It will never work it must be your Love and passion and then find away to get payed for it. It is never to late to make changes in your life and do new things and when something is not working move on quickly with no regrets. we only have this one life so when we make a mistake move on and learn from it, and do what will work for you. Always follow that "Peace that surpasses all understanding " Please don't make the mistake that I have made so many times asking other people what I should do with my life. Spending alone time with God is how you will discover your Peace and what you are to do with your Life. We are all different and have different talents find out what yours are and then use them, and find out how you can get payed along the way, always putting your family first, and your needs as well..Love, Live, and Laugh every single day... don't waste on more second on the past... today is a new Great wonderful Day Celebrate it Always.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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