Friday, August 20, 2010

Love Conquers All

Good Morning,
Can you believe it is Friday already...Wow the weeks go by so fast. Today we were suppose to go to Silver wood Theme Park, but my husbands work is so busy that they want him to work a double shift, so luckily I didn't make reservations, but I will for sure next weekend with or without him. he wants to go with us and ride all the rides, and fun with us so we will wait one more week and that is all... we will go with or without him next week since summer is almost over.

He was on his way to work this morning, and his left front tire got disconnected the bolt feel out or something while he was driving to work it started shaking, and he pulled over on the side of the highway, and got out and looked and sure enough the whole steering rod that keeps the tire on was disconnected...Crazy right. So he called me at 5:00am and I came and got him he brought me home, and now I get to call a tow truck for the car, and get it fixed. I'm just grateful it wasn't that far from are house, and that hes safe, and there was not and accident.

So today we are waiting for are new Dish satellite to be installed between 12:00-5:00 because I thought that everyone could live without cable since they watch all there shows on HULU but my husband hates watching shows on the Computer, and is not a Computer person, so Cable is coming back through Dish...Crazy trying to make everyone Happy. So everyone will be happy, cable, and High speed Internet ..what else do you want in life...My kids are so very spoiled ,and it keeps them home, and there friends love it here, and there is always lots of food, so why would they want to run the streets...are only delima is night time in the middle of the night keeping him home and out of trouble in the late hours, since hes a night owl. Hes fine unless one of his friends knocks on his window in the middle of the night. We have taking all of his shoes so I guess if his friends want him to sneak out they will have to provide shoes as well...

So whatever happens if you have crazy days like me dealing with something all the time, still have a grateful heart, and don't let it bring you down focus on the positive of the situation instead of the negative, and it will all work out it always does, and even raising teens you will be able to handle whatever comes your way....Don't push them away when they need you the most, when you want to kill them, kill them with Love and laughter...My kids always say to me mom your always drunk and happy naturally..Teach them how to be also... so they don't need drugs and alcohol to be happy... it comes from within and resonates out to the world...I can be happy doing anything, or being anywhere its a choice. No matter what your going through choose to stay happy, and keep your Joy... even through the storm, you might as well enjoy the ride..It goes by faster, and you will have less headaches and stress. You cant change Life, but you can change how you choose to deal with Life. After all Teens are just trying to figure out how to deal with peer pressure and deal with Life be a good example, and I believe they will turn around for good but don't push them away when they need you the most, keep them safe, Loved and at home with you for as long as you can, and they will be an Adult before you know it. Love conquers all.

I can remember moving in with my Grandma when I was around nineteen and I was working two jobs to pay off some credit card mistakes I made, and then I would go out and party, and come home late, and do it again, and just acting crazy...No matter how late I would get home and as quiet as I would try and be as soon as I walked down the hall to go to bed she would say"Hi honey how was your day missed you Love you, and I'm so glad your safe" She would get up and we would talk at the kitchen table and she never judged me, only listened and Loved me through the storm, and I knew that she would always be there for me no matter what stupid mistakes I made. That's the kind of Unconditional Love you need to give to your kids, family, and Friends.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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