Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Finding Your Peace

Good Morning,
Each day we are faced with so many decisions to make, and situations to deal with and life simply Lifing. WE have a choice daily to seek Gods will... first thing in the morning so that we will be guided and leaded to make the right healthy choices for our life, just knowing that we have him daily is a blessing knowing were not alone is huge. Take your time early in the morning to meditate, and listen to the still quiet voice that's inside of you wanting to lead you daily. When you follow that peace inside of yourself miracles start to happen you begin to get happier, less stressed you don't worry ...you just know and trust that all your needs are met today, and that's all you need to be concerned with.

I can remember growing up and that's not how it was in my family my mom was always stressed and worried about everything they were always drinking, and getting drunk thinking that would help them in there life, it only makes it worse, because eventually you will have to get quiet with yourself if you want to be free from pain and sorrow, allowing yourself to heal from past pain, and moving on to a great life takes work and you must put in the work in order to set yourself free from pain ,and hurt. Once you get in the habit of staying quiet early in the morning praying and seeking Gods will for your life everything great starts to happen, but you will have to go through the pain first in order to get to the other side of Peacefulness.

When we keep are self's so busy rushing from place to place situation after situation never having time to slow down and be with yourself of course you will be stressed , and mad, and tired because the only way out is through you must slow down feel your feelings and not run from them. Create a peaceful place in your home with everything you love and allow yourself to go there as much as you need to throughout your day to get in touch with that little girl inside yourself, or boy, and remember what its like to laugh..to play...to live without worries or stress...Before Life cluttered your thoughts and feelings. I encourage you to do this as much as you can to get rid of past rejections, and pain. I promise you if you do this you will begin to Love yourself again and except yourself just as God excepts you, and then and only then can you learn to Love again and except Love to flow through your life like a river of abundance.

Make some healthy choices for yourself today and everyday and seek God not people for approval and guidance..Rediscover your life and peace and reclaim your Mind...Spirit ...Soul.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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