Monday, August 16, 2010

Never be to Busy to enjoy your Life

Good Morning,
Twelve days and the kids will be back at School and we survived another full wonderful Summer. Going to Siverwood finally this coming weekend. Very excited to go to the lazy river and get a drink at the bottom,and ride the roller coasters. Its been 95 and hot here for days August is are Hottest month... love it.

I'm ready for the kids to go back to school and for me to start a new chapter in my life doing what I Love and getting payed for it. starting my own Business, yet once again and praying for its Success..Never give up on your dreams and plans for your Life and when something fales keep trying never give up..Be like the energizer bunny.

Always Dream big and want more, and do more and see more, and follow your heart and passion for life... If you believe you shall receive., and when you receive you will be blessed. Know your potential, know your strengths, Follow your true passion, and don't be afraid of rejection. Life is great and wonderful you just get to make it that way, no one will do it for you. It takes work it takes strength, and action and Courage to do something you Love, and then find away to get payed for it. Nothing is impossible everything is possible when you have faith and you believe.

Endless possibilities await you every single day... you can tap into them if only you will. make everyday a new exciting adventer being spontaneous, child like and allowing yourself to be free to have fun and laughing as much as possible. Do not worry about the past mistakes only focus on today doing everything you can to live well, Dream Big ,and following your Zest and passion for life. Make this world a better place, because your in it. touch the life's of others everywhere you go and allow them to do the same, by not rushing through it always being to busy to enjoy it.

Slow down smell the flowers see whats around you and enjoy the Beauty of nature, and people and smile and be kind and thoughtful. Be the light in this Dark world..Let your light shine daily.
Please take the time to reevaluate your life and the people around you, and make it great and meaningful. I know that when my husband goes back to work on Monday he goes happy because hes thinking of the meaningful weekend we just had, and smiling because of it. sixteen years and still Loving strong.making each other feel good and feel so Loved and valued that's what its about....LOVE Deep... deep connections that cannot be broke because you've invested in it and make it strong daily...Please don't just focus on the kids, and forget each other you had each other before the kids must keep your relationship, and friendship strong daily, and yes it does take work, but it is so worth it. Reconnect today and always, and keep all your relationships strong and healthy.

Peace, and Love always, Ursula

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