Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sometimes you must Delete inorder to recieve

Good Morning,
Sometimes in life you must say goodbye to people, things, or situations that are not good in your life... that take from you rather than add something of value to your life there can be many things that actually drain your energy, and suck you dry..rather then give you peace and make your life better and happier. Find out what it is in your life that is taking from it, rather then adding value, and don't be afraid to evaluate your life and get rid of toxic people, or toxic situations. People will tell you all kinds of stuff to get you to believe that you are better off to have them in your life and will continue to take from you and suck your energy if you allow them to, but you have the power over your life not them, and you can delete anyone that is not good for you, or any situation that is not good for you at anytime. If someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or crosses the line...Delete them. Even if its a toxic parent or other family members...My mom is toxic she is an Alcoholic Ive had to remove her from my life, as sad as that is. Pray for them that's all you can do but don't allow them to steal your Joy.

We have the power over are life to do and be all that God has created us to be, so why would we settle for second best when we can have it all, everything that God has intended us to have can be ares..You must pray and believe, and you shall receive all of Gods wonderful blessings. Do not let a serpent come into your life and destroy all that you have and have worked for. Always follow Gods Peace and Love , and follow your peace not someone Else's peace..You must be strong and stay grounded and keep pressing on for a greater more abundant life.

You get one life to live, and there will be many decisions daily that you will have to deal with and many distractions, and people and things that will try and lead you astray from Gods plan for you. Stay in peace, and learn to desifer the Good from the Bad and always stay and hold your ground in situations that are not right for you. Learn the word "NO"... it will be very helpful in your journey...Everyone will take from your time, and your energy if you allow them to. Yes we are to be loving ,and nurturing to people , but learn the difference between Takers and givers. If your doing to many things for two many people, and your not effective at home, then you need to stop those things and focus on your Home life keeping your immediate life in order, and running smooth first. keep your family safe and well taking care of. Get rid of the garbage and make room for abundance and peace to flow through your life, and spend as much time as you can filling up your cup, so that you can give. You cant give if your cup is empty you must keep it full. Hopefully this all makes sense what ever situation you may be going through..God is more powerful, and he will give you the strength to delete the bad, and make room for the good in your life to continue to flow like a river through your life.

Peace, And Love Always, Ursula

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