Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Enjoy Day By Day

Good Morning,
this week is yard sale week we are finally going to have are yard sale this Saturday even if Brian has to work, so getting everything priced and ready to go ...Oh Joy it is.
It is so important to either have a Yard sale once a year or donate your stuff ...which I would prefer, But Brian insists on having a Yard Sale,and making some money,and so that your Home doesn't become a hoarders house. Keeping the clutter out of your Home, and only having what you use is the way to simplify your life.

Cleaning out all areas in your life is the way to go, Mind, body, soul, spirit, and Your Home... it all is connected to you and how you feel, Its so great to have all the old stuff gone, and create a place for new , and new thoughts, and way of being. Cleansing and purging your life, and your Home. Great way to keep your home tidy if all stuff you don't need is gone, allow yourself to let go of the things in your life you don't need anymore, and that applies to all areas of your life. Stop holding on to the past.

I'm enjoying this last part of Summer break with my kids and I am so very grateful that they are all helping get everything ready for the Yard sale.
My daughter is a fashion Diva/Personal Assistant/Professional Organiser...So she whips everything in shape great, including me she organises better than me sometimes I feel like shes the My nails are painted and done, my toe nails are done.. With lots of colors and sparkle fun. Ive got her to curl the back of my hair, and what ever my needs are she is right there...Nice to have a personal Assistant... that loves helping her mom. She insists on doing all, she loves to be busy. So we are pricing Yard Sale stuff today. And I'm sure another make over for she use to paint her Brothers nails until my husband got mad, and made her stop..Now she gives there friends make overs when they come over, she fixes there hair or whatever they will let her do...CRAZY GIRL.

Whatever you do enjoy your life everyday and celebrate all the good and learn to laugh, and smile, and be Joyful even if you have to do the things you don't and get make overs
They will be gone one day so enjoy your children even if you have to hide all there shoes so they don't sneak out and screw all the basement windows shut, and lock them in like they have Alzheimer's whatever it takes to keep them safe and Loved Do...Even if it seems crazy, anyone with Teenagers understands what I'm saying are oldest son is giving us a run for are money but we will out smart him and keep him safe and at home whatever it takes even if we have to set traps for his friends that knock on his basement window in the middle of the

Make this day a great day and always remember you are smarter than your kids and you can handle anything that comes your way.. you must out smart your teens and think about every way you can to keep them happy, well feed and out of trouble...Because it will cost a lot of money when they get in trouble...Out smart them and don't be afraid of tough Love, and also there is a teen program called "Teens in Distress" you can sign up for and what that means is if they get in trouble They have to pay for there own Juvenile... which is $100.00 a day not the parents they have to do it and be accountable not you they do a crime they pay all ....That's the way it should be they have to learn that there actions... they are responsible for, and they must pay for. Whatever you go through you can handle you just get to grow and learn along the way also, and be better, and make better choices its tough having teens its different then when we were teens but we still can and will out smart them and take are power back. Have a great day.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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