Monday, August 9, 2010


Good Morning,
How many of you sit around wishing, hoping, and dreaming about a better life, and wanting more... but afraid to take the action steps that are needed.
Live Big... Dream Big... never be afraid to create exactly what you want in life. Live Big always, and teach others to do that as well. WE only get this one life to live... so live it great and do what you want and find away to get payed for doing what you Love.

I have so many Business ideas in my mind ideas and dreams flowing through my mind all the time, its never to late to follow your path and your vision for your life. Learn to step out of your comfort zone, and do things your afraid of, and try new things. Change is good and growing and learning comes from doing things afraid sometimes.

We get so comfortable in are life's sometimes that we forget to spread are wings, and reach for the stars ...why should we be satisfied with a boring life that we are doing nothing when we could... have all and do all never be afraid to follow your purpose and path even if you have to do it scared.

I believe we should all be living are life to the fullest... fulfilling are path are destiny, and are purpose, even if we have to do it scared. I was talking to a friend that has not been in a relationship for eight years and she is scared to try, and meet someone new and really has forgotten how to flirt, or even think about being in a relationship...How sad never give up and do all necessary steps to begin to live again, and flirt again..No matter who hurt you... you must leave the past in the past, and move forward create the life and the relationship you want, even if you have to do it afraid do it.

Never give up on meeting new people, and living the greatest life ever. Never give up on you. You deserve to live the greatest most wonderful life you can live. Start making some positive changes in your life today whatever your situation is and whatever you need to change even if its just your attitude... change it today make it positive and take the action steps to create your perfect life today....LIVE......LOVE....LAUGH.

How many people are afraid of... LOVE... like its a bad word STOP IT ....LOVE is the key to dreams, happiness, and excitement to keep you going strong, please don't be afraid of...... LOVE . Love yourself and then search for love with people, jobs, situations everything and everyone needs LOVE... GO GET IT . Please allow yourself to be open to the possibilities of Loving yourself, and Loving others again its never to late to make a healthy change and feel good along the way.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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