Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stop letting Fear Win

Good Morning,
Do you sometimes feel that you would like to make a change in your life, but afraid to take the risk, because fear paralyzes you...So you stay in a job you hate , a marriage, or relationship that is not working, because you feel its easier to stay then to rock the boat. How many times in are life do we miss out on meeting new people... doing new things, and going on adventures just because of fear? How come we let Fear rule are Life's?

Do you know what you Love to do? Do you know your abilities? Do you live your life to its fullest? Or do you sit around in a boring life and settle for second best just because that's all you know, and you've given up on your dreams. How many times do we sacrifice whats in are heart and soul, because we are afraid of what someone else will say or do. How many times have we told are self's that were not happy, but just stay anyway living a life that will never be happy pleasing everyone around us but not nourishing are soul and spirt.

How many times have you seen people in your life cry, and they tell you there not happy, and you give then advice and they continue to stay in that same situation year after year and it never gets better it always gets worse..but they let fear control there thoughts and actions.

When you step out of your comfort zone its never easy, and it will always be scary, but I promise the more you do it the more you take risks... The easier it becomes and the free er you start to feel, and the happier you become, never look to a person to show you or tell you what you should do with your life, always seek God first for his direction, and the peace that he gives you will lead you to your life's purpose and direction. When you are following your peace that's when life becomes amazing, and you go with the flow of life, and begin to listen to your heart, and you don't care what anyone else thinks because your living your life to its fullest.

Please today get this stop staying stuck in your miserable life and situation, because of Fear" The only way out is through " You must move through the fear in order to become happy and have the greatest most peaceful life ever. It will involve some changes...Which can be scary but will be so worth it in the end.

Figure out your Peace that surpasses all understanding, and do it. Change is good, new life new beginning. Follow Gods direction always even if you don't understand it at the time..You get to trust...Stop living an unhappy life just because its comfortable, and familiar...Be Better ...Do Better...Live a life of Bliss and happiness, and don't let anyone, or any situation bring you down. Stay strong and courageous, and be all, and do all that you were created to be, and do.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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