Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today is a new day the past is in the past for a reason

Good Morning,
Today forever, and always I'm here to encourage you to never ever give up on yourself if you have failed at something in the past whether it be a exercise program, or bad eating habits and you started the same old pattern of making unhealthy choices for yourself its never to late to start again, and reach for the stars of success...just because you failed in the past does not mean you will again it just means that you must do things differently this time..

I failed many times in the past with unhealthy food choices, not working out, and putting everyone before me.... as we tend to do with life gets busy, this time I decided I was worth investing in..because after all if I don't take care of myself no one will, and If I lose my health and vitality, what good am I too my family..I do it all, so without me being at my best health my family would suffer, because I would not be able to take care of everything that I must do to keep this family running smoothly and stress free..

So today I want to encourage you to learn from your past mistakes and move forward get yourself a support team to keep yourself accountable..which this was what I was missing so I finally broke down and joined Beachbody now I have people all over the world cheering for my success, and I get to do the same thing for them ...there is something so wonderful about knowing everyday you have a support team wishing you the best daily it sets the tone for success right today I want to encourage you if you were like me and always failed in the past before with your fitness goals, today is a new day..find a support team that will assist you in your new healthy positive lifestyle, and if I inspire you than please join my team I would love to workout with you in Beachbodys Wowy gym and do everything I can to assist you in a greater more productive lifestyle..Its working for me this time because of beach bodies DVDs, and shakeology meal replacement and a great team for daily support and blessed today forever and always ..You deserve to be at the top of your to do list..join me
Peace and love always Ursula

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