Monday, March 21, 2011

Choose a healthy Lifestyle daily

Good Morning,
Wow, second day of spring I'm getting so excited this year for spring and summer that I'm already gearing up for my swim suit and getting so excited to open up the Pool, and have so many Beachbody parties. I figure I might as well meet some new girlfriends here where I live and introduce people to this great healthy lifestyle that I love so much, so that they can see how wonderful it feels to get in shape, and look and feel the best that they can as well..No more frumpy, grumpy, lazy housewife's... I'm gonna change that as much as I can by reaching out to many moms to show them another way, and there husbands are going to thank me for it..

We have the ability through are passions and desires to share with as many people as we can this great way to live I'm dedicating the rest of my adult life to doing that, and sharing and helping as many people as I can to see the benefits of truly living a life they love, and Loving there life because they feel great, and take care of themselves it starts with you and ripples out..

Do you ever wonder why people that are in great shape have so much energy and stamina..and the ones that don't workout are always grumpy, tired and lazy..we are like machines that need daily get to choose how you want your machine to work slowly, and unproductive because of bad food choices or on fire daily like an energizer bunny, because of your healthy food choices, and exercise..there is no other way to live healthy fit and fabulous, or grumpy fat and lazy its your daily that I know the secret I intend to share it with all of you so that you too can make the right choices for your machine

start with a daily plan of action focusing on good healthy food, and then focus on the type of workout you are going to do you have to workout, and sweat there is no other way so you might as well surrender and do it, and when your done and the endorphins kick in trust me you will feel the best you have ever felt..This is the greatest life ever if you do this to better your life and share it with many you will reap the rewards for life ..I'm inviting you on my fitness journey daily and asking for you, if you need accountability to make the greatest decision of your life, and Join me as well as a Beachbody coach, and start drinking your shakeology... trust me the only thing you have to loose is weight, and regain your strength at any age its possible and I will show you how one step at a time...
Tonight's menu is finger stks dipped in egg whites , flour , and crackers and homemade french Fry's all baked in the oven for a healthy lifestyle followed up with some shakeology Ice cream tastes just like a frosty from Wendy's..

Peace and Love Always Ursula

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