Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Follow your Spark

Good morning,
Beautiful and amazing friends..I am completely blessed and honored to have the ability to share with all of you daily trusting the words will come as I sit here in the morning drinking my coffee I feel as if you are all here with me, and I trust as I start to type that God works through me to give you exactly what you need to here daily..and he always does..

I am blessed with so many wonderful people in my life that inspire me daily to be better then I ever thought I could and that makes me even want to do the same for you as you do for me..we all have a choice who we surround ourselves with who we choose to let us inspire us does have an affect on how we are, and reflects the type of people we are, and how we feel about areselfs..I choose to surround myself with people that are positive and inspire me to rise up and be better then I ever thought I could be..

The more your vibrations get raised the higher you feel and the more you start attracting more of that in all areas of your life. I get to focus on creating more of that daily doing what I Love and creating more of it daily meeting amazingly wonderful people, and sharing my fitness information and gifts and talents with the world..what a blessing to be able to choose a life daily that blesses me and so many people daily..Life is not about how much money you have.. its about living with so much spark and happiness that you must share it..

Everyday we wake up and have another day is a gift to be cherished and shared..Living, Loving, laughing, hugging ...that's what its all about enjoying the simple things in life that's the key to truly being successful, and living learning to celebrate those quality's of life and not rushing from place to place...slow down breath and BE in the moment...I Love all of you and so very grateful everyday that I'm learning true, peaceful happy living...focus on your inside to make your outside even better...Strength from the inside out thats the key to living successful..
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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