Wednesday, August 26, 2009

wednesday morning

Good Wednesday morning. We had a great day yesterday. Today so far, so good. We have nothing on the calendar... imagine that. My daughter stayed the night with a friend, and boys are sleeping in, there tired from the late pool party last night, and once again I have a grateful heart, because I got to spend the whole summer with my kids. I feel so very grateful to be a stay at home mom enjoying them everyday. I see such great changes in each one of them. Now it seems, there all going through puberty, but that is just part of growing up. Some days are smooth, and other days I want to strangle them. I would not change anything. I am excited to be the one they come to for everything. They just keep growing.

When I wake up early before the kids wake up, I have trained myself to write in a Gratitude journal, and focus on all the positive, and not the negative. When you start your day doing great positive things for yourself, it sets the tone for the day. Keep your vibrations High, and then when the kids wake up everything just flows at a higher level, I have found. Things that use to stress me out no longer do. I set higher Boundary's for myself, and I do not let peoples Drama interfere with my happiness. Life is so short, so why not live it to the fullest. I also have learned the powerful word "NO" when someone asks me to do something that is going to interfere with what I already got going on, my family comes first. I choose not to be... a people pleaser, and to do things that I don't have time for, just to make someone else happy. This is the way I live my life. God is first, then my husband, kids, family, friends. There are only so many hours in the day so I encourage you to surround yourself with the people that are most important, you cant save the world , but you can pray for everyone. Keep your family first. If you don't have your family in good balance, then don't be worrying about volunteering for everything if its going to take time away from your family. Why should your family get second best, they deserve your best. Trust me on this I have lived both ways, and this way works.

Today is a day to be blessed, and happy in your own skin, and to be the best that you can be today and forever. there is no mountain that you cannot climb, whatever struggles come your way you can handle. God does not give you more than you can handle, even though it may seem like it sometimes. Live one day at a time. That is all we can handle Today. Have a great positive, Abundant day, and live each day with a grateful heart, God bless you, Ursula

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