Wednesday, August 12, 2009

wednesday morning

I was reading differnt Blogs yesterday, and found one that I loved, She wrote there is always going to be someone that has a bigger House than you... A bigger nicer car than you... Prettier than you... and on and on. The most important thing that we can do is instead of focusing on what we don't have, and trying to get what we think we need through materialism, is focus on what we do have, and learn to love ourselves just as we are, except ,and love ourselves. If you really think about it how boring would this world be if we all looked alike, drove the same cars , and lived in the same kind of house. I love the fact that we all look different, and everybody drives different vehicles, and some people have big houses, and some prefer smaller ones.. How great to have that choice. The more you focus on loving yourself just as you are, the more you will see positive in every situation, and celebrate the differences... that we all have. We have a choice daily to be grateful for who we are, and what we have, or you can sit around and waste your time thinking about what someone else has, and wishing you looked like them. Which one do you choose. I encourage you to choose the first choice, and stop wasting time focusing on what you don't have, and be the best you can possibly be today. You are perfect just as you are, and what you have in your life be very grateful for. Make today, this day the greatest day you can possibly make it.

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