Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Simple peaceful Life you LOve

You know if you really think about it life is really Simple we tend to over analyze it really are needs to be happy, and fulfilled are not that complicated, however so many people analyze life to death stress and worrying before they even do anything to the point that they talk themselves out of what they really need.

How many of us are guilty of waisting this type of energy? I spent many years afraid of everything and guess what, because I did that... I did Nothing other than talk myself out of everything, and waste that energy, and time doing, and being nothing ...

How many of you would like to Free yourself of worry, and stress today and Forever and discover how simple it is to LET GO and Start Living a Life of Love and Passion...Forgiveness to others frees you...

Its really simple you wake up breath stretch before you even get out of bed, and start focusing on all that your Grateful for and that's all. nothing negative... no worries.. no stress ...only peace that's why Yoga and meditation are so important to add to your life, and lots of prayer...

Next get up with that tone of Peace, and Love daily Celebrate Your day right when you first wake up I say good morning to my husband pack his lunch make his coffee, not because I have to, but because I love him, and want him to feel the Love the extra touches and kisses are also what gets you through, and I spend the morning writing my blog and being with my kids take them to school than I get to make the Choice Do I sit and watch TV all day, and waste my life or do I do the Simple great things that make the difference daily, as to who I am as a Woman, and effect all areas of my life..

So I go to my Blue Fountain of Youth room in my basement, because really by spending that hour a day in there,  it is really what we are doing is turning back the Clock to are loveliness inside, and out creating a more youthfully happy person ...AAAAHHHHH

So you see life can really be wonderfully great, and simply amazing if we allow it to be and than carry that amazing happy energy throughout the whole day. Its a daily choice that I choose, and I would like to invite you to maybe consider it for yourself, and see if you notice a happier healthier person, and Clean eating along with it....Lets go on this amazing, beautiful, happy, fit fabulous life.
Peace and Love always sent to you, Ursula

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Please share your thoughts and FOLLOW this Blog

It starts right before you get out of bed, I was laying in bed this morning, before I got up thinking about why my life and attitude have changed so dramatically nothing really has Changed I'm still married I still have Teenagers, and Yet so much has  changed in my heart, mind, and soul.

What you think about before you even get out of bed determines how your mood will be, and for me everything has changed for me after I got Breast Cancer I realized I wasted way to much time being mad and being negative with life in general feeling sorry for myself, because my Life was not as I thought it would be and sometimes having pity parties that I was just a stay at home mom, and not realizing how worthy and lovable I really am, and attitudes like this will keep you stuck and feeling sorry for yourself only makes things worse...

So I made a Choice  at that point of my life ...that if I got a second chance at life and If I survived Cancer that I would allow God to work through me, and inspire and Love as many people as I can and Do it from my home, and be Proud of being a stay at home Mom, and not fight it any longer...

How many of you allow your thoughts and negative attitude ruin your whole day, and do it day after day not seeing your value, and your purpose we all are here for different reasons we need to learn to keep our minds in check yes before we get out of bed stretch out and start to focus on all that your grateful for, My husband has a great Job, hes healthy, he loves me, and hes a Great Provider, my kids are all healthy and Alive, I am warm and coffee is brewing before I get out of bed, every morning my animals show me love as if its the first time we met and loved each other....This type of wisdom first thing in the morning is what will set you free STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING...

Now that I'm cancer free because of early detection I'm going to continue to share my Life with all of you in hopes that this will spark someone out there to see that they can have a beautiful magical life its up to you..please don't wait till you get cancer or something else to see what a gift you can be to yourself and others daily...Value You and Share all Your gifts and talents with the world without asking for anything in return, because your gift will come in setting souls free to Love and that's what I'm doing by writing these Blogs ....I'm allowing God to speak through me in order to continue to set me free, and keep a healthy Positive balanced life without judgement only Love for change...So Live today as it could be your last and Love like you have never loved before and take care of YOU number one value You and than everyone else will follow your lead...Blessing to a new You.
Peace and Love always sent to You, Ursula

Monday, November 28, 2011


Thanksgiving Holiday is Over we had a Great time if you can Imagine cooking for a family of five daily over the Holiday, its so much food I must prepare with Three teenager two of them Boys they can eat usually I make a feast, and we have leftovers for at least a week Not this year I cooked the day before and made all the desserts and than on thanks giving I made a turkey, Ham, mash potatoes and gravy, twice baked potatoes, stuffing, cranberries sauce and dinner rolls and the kids ate like I have not seen before they are growing again... I'm feel like the short one in the House now like IM shrinking they are so tall both boys are over six ft now, and my daughter is right close to my heighth. Im 5'7 Wow amazing how time flyes.

So for me it seems like the whole Holiday I had my husband, and three teens and all there friends for four days Cooking and cleaning...Today they all go back to work and School Thank the Good Lord.
I Love my family but its a lot of work keep everyone feed..hahaha

Today I'm starting new again that's the beauty of this life we can keep starting new, and fresh and because my life is so busy taking care of the family, and my business I love knowing that my gym is in my basement and That's the place I look forward to the most after taking my kids to school its a place that even if I don't feel like doing it .  I know if I push through that feeling, that I always gain more happiness, and energy afterwards so the Gym is my fountain of youth, and no matter how bad I slipped over the Holidays.... I enjoyed myself, and love my family so now its a new Fresh exciting day to be me never boring always creating a new me transforming my body is the greatest feeling in the world and sharing all my pictures with all of you is a delight and If I can transform, anyone can that's why I have my YouTube channel to keep me accountable and to take you with me so that you can change your life to and feel the best you have ever come on new week new you lets go....
Follow me on TWITTER @ fantasyfitfun
Peace and love on this fabulous new journey, Ursula

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Create the love you feel over the Holidays everyday

Holidays come and go but I feel that one thing that can always stay is a thankful heart, because if we carry that thankful grateful heart that we feel when we are all together sharing love, and sharing meals how great would that be all year long..

we get to train are minds as we train are bodies everyday for success, but no one can do it for you, the key is to focus on it daily so that it stays just like a workout plan if you get out of bed in the morning and keep the same routine first thing in the morning allowing yourself that quiet time to keep yourself always in that space of gratefulness, and thankfulness than that is how you will live your life daily.

you get to do that for yourself than its not just present over the holidays why not make it a goal for yourself a success plan of action to live a life you love, and stay engaged in you your thoughts your mood the inner work it takes to be at peace and live a happy amazing life.

going quiet meditating, praying creates a calm loving peaceful life and then the things that use to bother you and you would freak out no longer seem like such a big deal.... allow your inner voice be the guide for the whole day everyday the only way to find that is to quite yourself and allow more love and gratitude to flow through your heart, and thoughts first thing in the morning.

you get what you focus on so everyday you have a choice to train your mind for negative thoughts or great abundant positive ones and the more you do this the more your life becomes healthy peaceful and fulfilled all year long not just on the holidays, so today I invite you to set the tone for your mind, soul and body first thing in the morning creating this great success plan daily for you..blessings and love sent out to you this holiday time and all year long PEACE TO YOU.
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving Week,
I'm loving this time of Year even though its Freezing outside its Hot in my heart, and that's all that matters to me. I just Celebrated eighteen years of marriage, and now I'm getting ready to make a feast for Thanksgiving ..Its so great to have things to look forward to... I plan my life that way always making things fun and exciting even just being at Home life really is what you make it, so no matter where you are in your life make it exciting, and fabulous and surround yourself with people you love over the Holidays as a great reminder of why You do what you do.

I put myself right at the Top daily writing to do lists that are attainable, not overwhelming there is a difference and" I'M First" it say Ursula 8:30-9:30am my gym" love that. everything else than after become  all my responsibilities as a wife, and mom to keep this family going in the right direction and feed.

We get to write are own plan of action daily some people just forget that they deserve to be first, this is why I'm here as a daily reminder to all of you to take great care of You, and than and only than can you take great care of anyone else...

Love yourself enough to start today even if you haven't worked out in years its never to late, and I promise if you do this it will be a success plan for life, because once you get the endorphins flowing through your body and you start having more energy and happy and clothes eventually get smaller you will make this a healthy plan for life.... you just must first trust me, and START. Its that simple.

I make my YouTube channel available for all to get you started, and than its up to you to follow through and make it happen for stay amazing healthy and Blessed and I'm grateful for all of you Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, and all your family blessings and Love Always and Forever
and follow me on twitter @ fantasyfitfun

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Healthy Marriages

What do you do after eighteen years of marriage well I'm breaking out all my secrets today .You never know when you tell too much but I also feel that how can we learn, and grow from each other if we don't share, and then the confirmation came from a friend of mine that has been married forever as well and she said Ursula You need to talk more about bringing out your sexy like you do in your workout videos ...So I say GREAT this is what I Love to talk about I swear I would love to be a Doctor Ruth or a Match maker, because I feel I have a gift to talk to people about sex openly but you must be careful not to give people the wrong ideas...

For me its about making your marriages come Alive every single Day To fall in Love everyday, and yes being married is hard, and challenging and anytime you put two people together that come from such different life's and then say Now Get along...YEAH RIGHT ... it takes daily work and its not all easy there have been many times in our now eighteen years of marriage that I wanted to walk away and be single again . But of course what draws us to continue to work it out is your Children and your faith that's what keeps you fighting for your marriage even through the tough times, and realizing the grass is not greener somewhere else, because where ever you go You will always have daily challenges that's just life so as long as your both willing to do the work it takes and YES it does take both of you willing to do the daily work than it can work, and than when the kids are raised you wont be looking at this person your with going..." who are you and now what" because you haven't connected through the years so many marriages get so wrapped up in there kids that they forget the one they fell in love with to get those kids.

I say Take everyday and focus on all the Good your partner does rather than what they don't do don't get stuck on them being messy or leaving there socks on the floor and Petty stuff that really doesn't matter the more you focus on there greatness the more they become great and the more you fall in love everyday...

Be the Girlfriend the boyfriend why do you think people cheat its because they miss the Flirting and the sweet words and the SEX the great SEX that they loved and why they married ...Woman marry there man expecting to change them and men marry there wife thinking they wont change and guess what they both get disappointed and resentment comes and SEX leaves.

So My secret to a healthy happy loving marriage is Flirt everyday, have SEX as much as possible, and tell each other you Love them everyday and be the boyfriend and Girlfriend daily with kissing hugging, and lots of Creativity in all areas of the marriage surprise each other and Do what the other one Loves even if you don't require it....See things through there eyes and value and love there uniqueness...Men need Food and Sex...and woman need emotional support and to feel valued and loved like a Queen...Cheers to all the happy marriages I pray that my story can give you ideas and re spark the lovemaking in the world. GOD First, Spouse then Kids...Quality of an amazing healthy happy life sent to you.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Find things to look forward to

Yesterday I was speaking with a great friend who is also a stay at home mom with three kids, and we were talking about are life as a stay at home mom, and sharing with each other the great parts about being Home, and also getting real and honest with each other, about the not so great parts, and We realized how many people must be feeling how we feel, and we discovered that everyone needs something to look forward to...

no matter if you work outside the home or not life can simple get so boring have you noticed that ? why do you think so many people are on anti depressants, and in bad moods all the time because to be honest life can simple get and feel so old like an old pair of shoes but you don't want to throw them away because maybe someday you will want to wear them again...

I have went through many emotional changes choosing this stay at home life and it has not all been easy I'm a very social person, and I really like that social contact you get from working and seeing people everyday, but sometimes the schedules that jobs give you are not what will work for your success in raising kids, so Its a fine line of the choice you want to make if you choose to stay at home, so for me it has been hugely challenging what to do with my mind to keep it alert and active in a positive way and For me I finally discovered how to keep it positive, and always looking forward to new things..Through my beachbody business I challenge myself everyday to be better, and more spontaneous and keep my life alive and fresh even though I'm a stay at home mom..Is this hard you may ask ? Yes it can be if you don't keep your mind focused on gratitude ...

I challenge myself to write Goals and to do lists and keep things on my calender to look forward to each week as to keep my spirits lifted and happy and I do everything I can for my family as well so that there week runs smooth as well and Im learning everyday how to be a better, healthier happy person because of this lifestyle I choose... I wake every morning challenging myself for greatness and sharing it with the world ....YES one stay at home mom can make a difference I invite you to start challenging yourself as well and see how your spirit will be lifted by doing great things for yourself and sharing your secrets with the world ..WE can be successful it starts with you daily first thing in the morning set the Tone for the day with healthy positive loving thoughts...blessings to greatness.
Peace and Love Always , Ursula

Monday, November 14, 2011

Make your Life come Alive

I feel like the best thing you can do for you is find something daily to get excited about, something that is Good for you, that makes you come Alive and Lifts your spirits daily.Life can get boring if you allow it to, but You have the ability daily to make it exciting even if your at home everyday..

I have so much fun in a day doing what I Love I still cant believe that I'm creating a new me daily and taking everyone on my journey that's what keeps my spirit soaring with joy is that I start the morning with a Smile on my face and I get to make my own schedule daily one that makes me come Alive and feel the best I have ever felt.

I had no idea that by taking everyone on my beachbody journey one year ago that it was going to change me so much, and make me finally feel Alive and Vital and Oh so much energy and to honestly be able to do it all in my home daily, and still stay accountable and Focused and excited for change daily is a miracle, so this is why I keep sharing with all of you because sharing with all of you assists me in my daily Growth and allows me to get out what I'm feeling and pray that maybe I can say something to spark someone out there that is feeling stuck or non motivated and is sick of there boring life.

You know Life is only boring if you make it boring, because I'm a stay at home Mom I write my own daily schedule so I could just sit around and eat and watch TV if I choose to do that nobody would know or care and yes before long if I did that I would get Fat lazy and Bored.

We all get to wake up daily a make a daily Choice as to how we will design are day for success whether we are Home or not doesn't matter ..what matters is remembering your worthy enough to design You in your schedule so many people put everyone else first and than are left with no time for them.

I have decided finally that I not only feel better my attitude is better, and I look better By working out and eating healthy, so when the family is home all weekend and My teens and husband want to eat bad food... I allow them to cook it sometimes, and I go workout in my little corner of heaven and I come upstairs and the kitchen smells of bacon and sausage and I smell it now but don't eat it, because my body will not get fit if I eat that way the older we get the more we must watch what we eat and I stick with the foods that are great for our  body, that is why I'm extremely grateful for shakeology once a day meal replacement because its a no brain er and it makes me feel so amazing that I don't crave bad food anymore, so we must pick are battles and Fight for a life we love getting healthier and stronger daily and Defying this age that we are...Be Great and love You as God loves You and treat You Great and I promise your life will just keep getting Better and Greater
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Creating a Better YOU makes the World better

What You do today makes all the difference start fresh, and New each, and everyday, make it Great because you can... Focus on greatness every single day, its a Choice that only You get to make,If you have a bad day instead of beating yourself up about it.... start over than next day, and make it better that's whats great about new Days every morning is a new Day to re start you to a greater more abundant healthier Life, make it Great because you can...

Training your mind for this Daily is the key... Tell Yourself before you even get out of bed that Today is the Day For Greatness rather than the other, everyday is a New Great day to Shine, and Yes its Up to YOU to make that happen. You can make a difference by fixing yourself first, rather than focusing on Fixing everyone around you, because that will never happen you must look to yourself First, and by fixing yourself first You Fix everything else around you naturally Its magic so if you had it backwards that's OK.... Restart, recommit, and go to Work on YOU....

Time goes by so fast as you get older if your not careful it can slip away, and You wanna be sure your living each of these Days to the Fullest By doing all you can to better yourself ,and Your Life and watch miracles, and abundance flow to you when you allow openness and greatness into your life, you allow more Love and worthiness to overtake your life as well...

Creating a better YOU makes everything better in your Life attitude, energy, strength, Courage You name it YOU gain more of it and By that You do make this world a better place because your focus becomes on changing YOU first... magic it is and Great YOU will feel because of it. Now join me in some great workouts and Feel Great about yourself and keep making this world a Better Place its up to YOU... 
GOD said: Build a better world.
I asked: How? The world is so messed up. There's nothing I can do.
GOD smiled and said: Just build a BETTER YOU. That will do
Morning Have a fabulous Saturday something to think about as always !
· · about an hour ago

Friday, November 11, 2011

Daily Plan Of Action

I wake up and get excited to write this Blog believe, it or not and when I miss writing it because family is home or life gets busy I realize I really need this I feel it allows me to focus daily on positive living, because I get to share with all of you and somehow I never know what I am going to write about from day to day and think... Wow maybe one day I will run out of things to say....Not, there is always so much to share with all of you and some how be writing as I do it has become therapy to me on this healthy journey of reclaiming me...

It seems sometimes I can just write all day I have to stop myself but I guess since I'm a stay at home mom and don't always get a lot of social interaction since I work at home, as well I feel I must get out my thoughts, and feelings on this Blog and by sharing what works with me I pray it can some how spark you all as well to do the same, and live your life to the fullest as well, whether your a stay at home person like me or a career person outside the home..we really are all the same we just need to find a successful plan of action to keep us motivated and accountable to keep on working on ourselves daily from the inside out.

I have decided I cannot run from myself or Hide so I might as well focus on myself daily in order not to have to hide from myself any longer, anyone else tired of hiding, and ready to start living a life you love and can be extremely proud of ...If so than keep following along my blogs and allow me to keep inspiring you for greatness to reach inside yourself and start the true life transformation that you oh so deserve.Allow Your life to inspire others, so how ? by opening yourself up to people it helps you in seeing how much you have to give, and keeps you accountable and wanting more by inspiring others I have found out keeps me craving more, and keeps me wanting to take progress pictures and keeps us all wanting a greater more abundant life...

Reach for your Goals first thing in the morning write them down... create a realistic plan of action and Go for it keep yourself on your mind daily as to remember your worth creating a mind, body , and soul to be so proud of find a plan and than stick with it I found a Morning plan for a year now through beach body and For that I'm extremely Grateful so I will continue to share with all of you because its working and I feel fabulous keep going your almost there tell yourself that everyday...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No more Worring or Sorrow set yourself Free

I have been thinking a lot about why My life is changing, so much now that I'm in my 40s and Survived Cancer I no longer waist any energy, or time Focusing on negative Thoughts or feelings towards myself or others I wake up with zest and Passion, Because I choose that daily..Daily its a mind set that I train my mind for before I even get out of bed...

I was raised with worriers... Mom that was negative and Worried about everything grandma that was always worried about everything I think if we are not careful we can fall into that trap of Worrying about everything, and worry becomes negative thoughts and feelings..That can stop you from taking risks and living a healthy happy positive Life...PRay and Trust GOD .

Because I have Changed my life and have broken the pattern of worry, and negative thoughts and Now have set myself free to stop worrying about everything and let life flow and be as it is, making great life Choices for myself and trusting the positive thoughts as My daily guide instead of the negative worry, that will only lead to sorrow and depression...

You can wake up daily, and be Grateful every single day for the simplest things and retrain you daily, some people waist there whole life on Worry and Negative thoughts if only to make themselves, and everyone around them miserable...It takes way to much energy to live this way, and No one can stand to be around you because misery loves company...

Choose today to be different ..Choose Positive loving Grateful thoughts first thing in the Morning Replace Bad thoughts with Great ones and Live a Life with Passion and Zest and each day allow your peace to shine through, and make this world a Greater place because your in it ...Please put away the sorrow and pain , Forgive who you need to forgive and Move on to a greater more abundant Beautiful Life that God intended for you to have before Your Joy got Lost ....Reclaim You all of you the Healthy Vital You...Blessing and Love sent to you for strength and Courage to Live Positive..
Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

Monday, November 7, 2011

Daily Motivation

How do I stay motivated to workout  ? I get asked that all the time, and my answer to that is working out makes me feel so great, and so young and gives me so much energy that when I miss my workouts I realize that I do not ever want to go back to those years of feeling tired, and over weight and I have a group of people that keep me inspired, and accountable and put a smile on my face daily with pictures of progress, and stories of new greatness..

I Love to workout, and I love how these beachbody at home DVDs are changing my body, and I love making YouTube Videos sharing my story to inspire all of you for greatness, and transformation as well.

Your mind is a powerful thing you get to train before you train your body train your mind daily to Love to workout tell your mind how great it is to have the strength to workout, tell your mind how much energy you get from working out and tell your mind your getting younger and healthier every time you do it...

Than get to work on making it a healthy lifestyle choice that You Love, and keep transforming You daily to a greater healthier You and I promise you will gain more Confidence, and strength and flexibility than you ever thought you could...Live life to the Fullest, and be better because you do.

So starting today tell your mind how you are going to put yourself at the top of your to do list and make a Hour a day just for you prayer, meditation, and workouts So very vital, and just see how everything in your life starts to shift to greatness, because you made yourself a priority...Sweetness it is and your worthy of greatness...Please feel free to comment and Follow this blog and any topics you would like me to talk about let me know ..blessed day to you.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Healthy Living

I have discovered that by Focusing on Gratitude, it allows me to stay calm, and Peaceful, and things that use to bother me no longer seem to be that big of a deal...Train your thoughts early in the morning before you even get out of bed, Focus on everything your grateful for, and all your blessings you have and all that your allowing to come, stretch your back with your arms reached out, and your legs long as if your doing a Yoga stretch before you even get out of bed, and than continue all day long to feel that peace that you created before you even got out of bed...

It really does all start with your mind first thing in the morning, that sets the tone for a great day, and then if something you were not planning happens... you will not get as frustrated just take a deep breath, and keep your peace and Gratitude flowing all Day..

Than when you add a Great Workout to a healthy Mind watch out world ....your on fire because you've just increased your happiness with endorphins" Gods natural happy Drug"...What could be better than that you ask? Remembering to do that everyday, again and again making amazing healthy lifestyle changes in your mind body, and Soul daily and with the Foods you eat makes a difference in your mood as well if you want to feel, and look great, you must do all of these things in order to have a happy healthy balance.

Set healthy boundaries with your friends, and people that enter your life as well I always say once in awhile you need to clean house with your friends your around sometimes people are only placed in your life for a season, and not forever don't be afraid to unfriend people in your circle that you feel in your heart that are not suppose to be there your heart as a guide, and clean house once in awhile trust me I do it as much as I feel needs to be done without ever looking back only moving forward, and I have stopped apologizing for moving forward and not staying stuck and continuing to create a life I love daily, no matter who wants to Join me I'm in it to win and reclaim me and create daily change in order to follow my true passion, and zest for life this is how I do it. I pray that I have given you some Ideas to apply to your life as well, and you also can begin to keep creating a Life you Love.
Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How do you measure Success

How do you measure success in your life ? For me its always been about how I can be successful at being at home, get payed, and follow my passion by doing what I Love and also feel like I'm having a Impact on the world, as well not just waking up and having it all be about only me what keeps me inspired is sharing my results, and My life with all of you and My prayer has always been that If I keep myself accountable with my Beachbody Group and All of you and my YouTube channel than that's what makes me happy feeling worthy enough to assist with inspiring others...

Sharing my gifts, and talents with people that really deserve to live a happy Fit life but are just feeling stuck like I use to be. now that I have figured it out finally after all these years I want to assist all of you in this Grateful life that I feel everyday....really as far as I'm concerned there is no other way to live ..So for me that's how I measure my success daily Focusing on gratitude and sharing it with all ...Life can be so boring everything the same day after day week after week, and expesially being at home like I am, so I have learned to be very creative and be all for my husband and kids but than when they are gone all day to follow my passion and purpose , which is now Fitness and a healthy Mind, Body, soul, and Spirit is hugely important daily for my success and Yes it does become a ripple affect with everyone around you.

I have learned that no matter what I go through in my daily life as Long as I continue to focus on gratitude, and follow my passion than that truly does make me successful being there for your kids in this world is hugely important, everyone deserves to know that they are valued and Loved just as they are, and communication is hugely important for all, so I believe God gives us all individual Gifts and Talents and we must learn to listen to that still small voice inside our self each morning and allow that to be our Guide to true Success ...So my prayer for myself and all of you is that you learn to measure your success with not how much money you make or what takes u away from your gifts and talents, but what draws you closer to peace and freedom to allow abundance and gratitude to flow through you daily that's Success.
Peace and Love Always Sent to You make sure you Follow this Blog and YES Comment, Ursula

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Month time for new Great Goals

I realized yesterday as the weather gets Colder here its harder to get on the small workout clothes brr but no problem once you start the Beachbody DVDs, your warmed up in No time..even on the days I would rather avoid my workouts, because yes you will have those days what I have found is do it anyway because I promise you always feel so much better after a great workout than you did before, for me it just sets the Tone for the day to be so much better and I'm guilt Free because I did it first thing in the morning and than It makes my attitude and spirit lifted for the day..People who workout are just happier healthier fun people to be around I have noticed.

One of the Greatest gifts you can give yourself starting this new Month is a new You I always say you can get addicted to anything and what you focus on is what you create so why not just give a Healthy lifestyle a whirl....As they say Try it you just may like it even if you have done it in the past and failed do it again find a plan of action that works best for you and your schedule and than make it happen daily it doesn't matter if nobody else in your family does it or not that's were you get to be different, and I have found this to be true because I do everything different than my family and I require more alone time than my husband so I made a private workout room for me to be by myself and Sweat and take amazing great care of me because I'm worth it wiether he or anyone in the family understands it doesn't matter as long as your doing it to better your health and defy age who can deny you from that.

So this month I challenge myself to build my Business even Greater and continue to bring all of you on this amazing Fit healthy Lifestyle and Fight for all of You as I do for Myself everyday You are Worthy of creating a better smaller Healthier Fit You ...Remember to comment and send me messages it encourages me to keep writing these Blogs. beautiful You inside and Out that's the New Goal for the New Month.
Peace and Love Always sent Your way , Ursula