You know if you really think about it life is really Simple we tend to over analyze it really are needs to be happy, and fulfilled are not that complicated, however so many people analyze life to death stress and worrying before they even do anything to the point that they talk themselves out of what they really need.
How many of us are guilty of waisting this type of energy? I spent many years afraid of everything and guess what, because I did that... I did Nothing other than talk myself out of everything, and waste that energy, and time doing, and being nothing ...
How many of you would like to Free yourself of worry, and stress today and Forever and discover how simple it is to LET GO and Start Living a Life of Love and Passion...Forgiveness to others frees you...
Its really simple you wake up breath stretch before you even get out of bed, and start focusing on all that your Grateful for and that's all. nothing negative... no worries.. no stress ...only peace that's why Yoga and meditation are so important to add to your life, and lots of prayer...
Next get up with that tone of Peace, and Love daily Celebrate Your day right when you first wake up I say good morning to my husband pack his lunch make his coffee, not because I have to, but because I love him, and want him to feel the Love the extra touches and kisses are also what gets you through, and I spend the morning writing my blog and being with my kids take them to school than I get to make the Choice Do I sit and watch TV all day, and waste my life or do I do the Simple great things that make the difference daily, as to who I am as a Woman, and effect all areas of my life..
So I go to my Blue Fountain of Youth room in my basement, because really by spending that hour a day in there, it is really what we are doing is turning back the Clock to are loveliness inside, and out creating a more youthfully happy person ...AAAAHHHHH
So you see life can really be wonderfully great, and simply amazing if we allow it to be and than carry that amazing happy energy throughout the whole day. Its a daily choice that I choose, and I would like to invite you to maybe consider it for yourself, and see if you notice a happier healthier person, and Clean eating along with it....Lets go on this amazing, beautiful, happy, fit fabulous life.
Peace and Love always sent to you, Ursula
How many of us are guilty of waisting this type of energy? I spent many years afraid of everything and guess what, because I did that... I did Nothing other than talk myself out of everything, and waste that energy, and time doing, and being nothing ...
How many of you would like to Free yourself of worry, and stress today and Forever and discover how simple it is to LET GO and Start Living a Life of Love and Passion...Forgiveness to others frees you...
Its really simple you wake up breath stretch before you even get out of bed, and start focusing on all that your Grateful for and that's all. nothing negative... no worries.. no stress ...only peace that's why Yoga and meditation are so important to add to your life, and lots of prayer...
Next get up with that tone of Peace, and Love daily Celebrate Your day right when you first wake up I say good morning to my husband pack his lunch make his coffee, not because I have to, but because I love him, and want him to feel the Love the extra touches and kisses are also what gets you through, and I spend the morning writing my blog and being with my kids take them to school than I get to make the Choice Do I sit and watch TV all day, and waste my life or do I do the Simple great things that make the difference daily, as to who I am as a Woman, and effect all areas of my life..
So I go to my Blue Fountain of Youth room in my basement, because really by spending that hour a day in there, it is really what we are doing is turning back the Clock to are loveliness inside, and out creating a more youthfully happy person ...AAAAHHHHH
So you see life can really be wonderfully great, and simply amazing if we allow it to be and than carry that amazing happy energy throughout the whole day. Its a daily choice that I choose, and I would like to invite you to maybe consider it for yourself, and see if you notice a happier healthier person, and Clean eating along with it....Lets go on this amazing, beautiful, happy, fit fabulous life.
Peace and Love always sent to you, Ursula