Saturday, November 5, 2011

Healthy Living

I have discovered that by Focusing on Gratitude, it allows me to stay calm, and Peaceful, and things that use to bother me no longer seem to be that big of a deal...Train your thoughts early in the morning before you even get out of bed, Focus on everything your grateful for, and all your blessings you have and all that your allowing to come, stretch your back with your arms reached out, and your legs long as if your doing a Yoga stretch before you even get out of bed, and than continue all day long to feel that peace that you created before you even got out of bed...

It really does all start with your mind first thing in the morning, that sets the tone for a great day, and then if something you were not planning happens... you will not get as frustrated just take a deep breath, and keep your peace and Gratitude flowing all Day..

Than when you add a Great Workout to a healthy Mind watch out world ....your on fire because you've just increased your happiness with endorphins" Gods natural happy Drug"...What could be better than that you ask? Remembering to do that everyday, again and again making amazing healthy lifestyle changes in your mind body, and Soul daily and with the Foods you eat makes a difference in your mood as well if you want to feel, and look great, you must do all of these things in order to have a happy healthy balance.

Set healthy boundaries with your friends, and people that enter your life as well I always say once in awhile you need to clean house with your friends your around sometimes people are only placed in your life for a season, and not forever don't be afraid to unfriend people in your circle that you feel in your heart that are not suppose to be there your heart as a guide, and clean house once in awhile trust me I do it as much as I feel needs to be done without ever looking back only moving forward, and I have stopped apologizing for moving forward and not staying stuck and continuing to create a life I love daily, no matter who wants to Join me I'm in it to win and reclaim me and create daily change in order to follow my true passion, and zest for life this is how I do it. I pray that I have given you some Ideas to apply to your life as well, and you also can begin to keep creating a Life you Love.
Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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