Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Create the love you feel over the Holidays everyday

Holidays come and go but I feel that one thing that can always stay is a thankful heart, because if we carry that thankful grateful heart that we feel when we are all together sharing love, and sharing meals how great would that be all year long..

we get to train are minds as we train are bodies everyday for success, but no one can do it for you, the key is to focus on it daily so that it stays just like a workout plan if you get out of bed in the morning and keep the same routine first thing in the morning allowing yourself that quiet time to keep yourself always in that space of gratefulness, and thankfulness than that is how you will live your life daily.

you get to do that for yourself than its not just present over the holidays why not make it a goal for yourself a success plan of action to live a life you love, and stay engaged in you your thoughts your mood the inner work it takes to be at peace and live a happy amazing life.

going quiet meditating, praying creates a calm loving peaceful life and then the things that use to bother you and you would freak out no longer seem like such a big deal.... allow your inner voice be the guide for the whole day everyday the only way to find that is to quite yourself and allow more love and gratitude to flow through your heart, and thoughts first thing in the morning.

you get what you focus on so everyday you have a choice to train your mind for negative thoughts or great abundant positive ones and the more you do this the more your life becomes healthy peaceful and fulfilled all year long not just on the holidays, so today I invite you to set the tone for your mind, soul and body first thing in the morning creating this great success plan daily for you..blessings and love sent out to you this holiday time and all year long PEACE TO YOU.
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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