Sunday, June 12, 2011

Set yourself free today to FLY

Good Morning Beautiful,
As summer is finally here and the kids are home for the summer I cant help but feel so amazingly blessed to be where I am today as a full time mom and Beachbody Coach I am living the greatest life for me I have allowed myself to go through the winter retraining my thoughts and feelings and creating a healthy fun fit life and decided to bring all of you with me...Never ever could I have imagined in the process that I would love it so much and actually get excited about my 5 days a week beachbody workouts..I do and I will continue because for the first time in several years I got back into a Bikini. I still have more work to do and I have had people concerned that I may get to much muscle and I promise you with my body type I would have to train harder then I want too..That's not my goal to become a bodybuilder, my goal has always been just to look and feel good in my own skin..not perfection but the body that's right for my body type like to get rid of the fat and have my body lean and tight is the goal and to feel better and look better and healthier then I ever have and coach other moms out there that they can achieve this goal as well at any age and any weight...

Life is about living a life you Love and its different for all of us you get to figure out what your passions are and what gets you excited to wake up everyday with joy and peace in your heart and then learn to create that in all areas of your life your family friends, and everyone around you greatly impacts your life..Like attracts Like...Positive attracts Positive....and ON and on.

When I started this journey of fitness it was the missing puzzle piece in my life I just had to find it and now that I have found it there is no way I'm ever turning back to low living no matter what I go through in my life as long as I breath and have breath I will follow my peace and passion and share it with the world always waking up with a grateful heart that I have one more day to be and do what I love and impact as many peoples life's as I can daily sharing all my secrets to my success in hopes that they will find there success...Its up to you to look deep within yourself and create a life you Love daily..Even though my life has some twists and turns and bumps and bruises I will have to face as long as I keep my thoughts and attitude positive I can do anything and come back stronger and better no matter what happens to me until my days are done I will serve and be all that I was created to be and more..What do you want to be remembered for when you Die ? someone that made and impact on this world positively or someone that did nothing with there life and spent it negative and wasted all there precious gifts ? Its a daily choice I pray that you will make the right choice for your life one person can make a difference.
peace and Love Ursula

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