Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Make the grass green right where you are in life

Good Morning Beautiful,
One of the hardest life lessons for me and most is to wait and trust the process ..I have always been a want everything yesterday type of person and always want to know and plan everything out type of person, that for me feels like if I'm in control of everything and have everything all planned out that there will be no surprises and then everything will run smoother because I know everything and that eases my mind , But as all of you know this is just impossible to achieve all the time and it will make you crazy trying to control everything all the time..For me what I'm learning is I must surrender all in order to live a life of allowing and being...

This is and will be out of my comfort zone because of how I was raised I don't have  alot of faith in leader ship that was in charge of me so I learned quickly that I must take the lead in order to survive..that is great but all in balance ...I had to learn that there are people in my life that I can trust in order to take the lead when I simple cant as I heal this is a great reminder to me of how far I have come in my life and my trust issues growing up with alcoholics all around me...now I must trust and believe that others can lead and that my life will not crash down on me..this area will always be a struggle for me because I have always taking the lead with everything and controlled everything and now to surrender all is again one of the hardest things I must face for healing....

we all have certain weaknesses that we face that must be dealt with this is mine and I know where it comes from and how to fix it now thank God, and the greatest thing for me is allowing my family to take care of me for a change that has been healing for me knowing  that if I just allow them to take over and allow myself to surrender, and be.... that I can trust them to do there best for me and that the house will be OK and the world will not end if I take some time off from my workouts and life. any one with control issues here me today everything will be OK if you have to allow your family or people to take over while you heal your body or anything that may happen to you others can assist you and you will be OK...I  saw a side of my husband through this healing process that I forgot he had a gentle loving, caring supportive side which I forgot about because I always handled everything in the home and didn't allow him too so therefore how could he show me that side if I controlled everything..

So for me to take four days off with him and allow him to take care of everything for me was a miracle for us because now I trust him and love him more than ever before because he shows me his unconditional love the way he can through taking care of me and the kids and remaining to be faithful and strong, brave and confident even through the storm of this uncertain life we live...So cherish and love the people in your life and surrender when need be, and allow more love and support to flow inside your heart and mind because if you do it, you will heal all your past wounds and mend your soul like never before...
I'm truly grateful for all the love and support I have and will always do my best to spread more love everywhere I go and appreciate that the grass is not greener somewhere else that it is beautifully Green right where I'm at with the loves of my life living with me...I'm adored and thankful for it ....
Peace and Love  Always, Ursula

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