Wednesday, September 23, 2009

wednesday morning

Good morning. I woke up early this morning, and could not go back to sleep, so I wrote in my gratitude journal. I could not stop laughing thinking about my friends, that I meet with weekly. When I am with them I feel better after meeting with them then I did before. It amazes me that when you find a group of friends that are all at the same vibration it is such a great feeling, and we get really loud, laugh, and everybody wants to know what we are drinking so they can order it. Its that we are HIGH on Life, and how we choose to live are life makes us grateful, and happy.

I have to say it was not always like this in my life. I always had fareweather friends that I thought were a match, and never were. Sometimes it takes awhile before you meet true friends, and I'm talking about friends that you can tell everything to, and be yourself completely without any fakeness. When you find that hold on to them. I had to weed out alot of bad seeds before I found good matches. I think also you have to really get to know yourself, and what your interested in and then join a group, and eventually you will find people that are like you, and be open to all ages, not just your age. I have friends older, and younger, and I love that. If you see us together you would not think it was a match, until we start talking. I encourage you to look deep inside of a person get to know there heart, and there soul... Do not judge a book by its cover, If you know what I mean. That is what I have learned with my new friends, they are so smart. I really enjoy are conversations together, such a learning experience.

Have you ever had someone in your life that calls you and your vibration is 99.1 on the radio, and you know that they are going to be at 30.1 and if you talk to them you will allow them to lower your vibration...Like my mom, because she always is mad, and focuses on all the negative. What do you think would happen if you kept your vibration high, and did not let her lower your vibration. She probably would want to get off the phone right away, because misery loves company. I challenge you today to keep your vi rations high, and maybe weed out some bad vibrations in your life, and don't be afraid of change, change is good.Remember you teach people how to treat you, so like I always say to my kids" treat people the way that you want to be treated" You deserve to live the happiest life you can possibly live, get drunk on life today.GOD BLESS,Ursula

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