Thursday, September 1, 2011


Good Morning beautiful Friends,
I have decided That my life is like a box of chocolates I never know what I'm gonna get from day to day, so I might as well live life to its fullest every single day....I'm living a life I love by choice everyday I focus on everything I want to do, and create and for me now as a Breast cancer survivor I feel so very very blessed to have a second wonderful chance at life, and I will not ever waist an opportunity again..when something happens to you.... like those words all of a sudden the little problems that you thought you had no longer bother you because really life is like a box of chocolates you never know from day to day what you will get or what will happen so I say" make everyday the best that you can by keeping your focus on gratitude and Love and great Health", because if you have a bad attitude and wealth without great health and a great positive attitude you really are waisting your life and sometimes you need a big wake up call like I have had to really realize how important this lesson is....

What are people searching for and why does it seem that the more you search the more you get but sometimes its not what you thought you wanted after all. people search for everything that they are missing inside themselves and wonder why once they reach all there goals of money and more stuff why they still have a hole in there heart, and why they are still not happy why not look at yourself your true authentic self in the mirror and love yourself enough to fill the hole in your heart through Gods grace, and love yourself just as you are and stop running from you and take the time to listen to the still small voice inside yourself to discover your true passion and Identity in order to truly live a life you Love you must first love yourself ...flaws and all and make yourself the first priority of the day once you learn this all things get brighter, and happier in your life stop running from You except the new exciting challenges that come your way, and hold your head up HIGH and be who you were created to be before you allowed everyone around you to change You....

I can say this because this is whats happening to me I no longer ask for any ones approval I am grateful for this amazing second chance at life that I have been given, and because of it I really wake up with  so much peace, and grace than ever before, never feeling sorry for myself, and no matter what life gives me from day to day I know in my heart that I am Living a life I love from the inside out, and that's all that matters to me touching and inspiring people all over the world to push themselves to a greater higher level of fitness and growth and to love yourself unconditionally first in a well balanced way and realize your worth is valuable and your health deserves to be at the TOP PRIORITY ....Love with all your heart, and soul... and allow more abundance in and step out of your comfort zone every single day in order to live a magical amazing beautiful Life no matter what you get in your box of chocolates from day to day deal with it move on and make the best of You every single day in order to be a light in this dark world we must first fill up are cup...make sure your cup is full daily to be who God has created you to be....Love and Light sent your way....
Peace  and Love Always Ursula

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