Friday, September 23, 2011

To Dream The Impossible Dream

To Dream the Impossible Dream,
That's what my life is all about Creating that Impossible Dream that before felt so Far away, and Now it feels as if I can Create any Dream I want and make it a Reality..So much blessings and Love I feel as I move on this Journey of Life getting excited about new and Improved and CHANGE for the better Life. I feel Extremely Grateful For all that I get to Do in every single Day, and To Inspire and Keep Going Learning from the Past, but never staying Stuck there is a Huge Gift I get to be grateful For...

Loving this Impossible Dream So much, so that I wake up Like a energizer Bunny YES that feeling is back and they told after my treatment that I could feel Fatigue for up to a Year,  now I believe that is "MIND OVER MATTER" I believe we can by into anything anyone tells us, and stay stuck if we allow are mind to go there...I have the Spirit of a Champion and I will not allow anyone to tell me How to feel, or think or any negative Thoughts to take over my Mind, because I am A champion and So are YOU ...We do every single day have the ability to retrain our mind, body and Soul for success and Power and Love...Whatever you want you can have you just got the get your mind right, and feel worthy enough to achieve all your goals and all your dreams and never ever give up stay powerful and strong and be a winner and Create and Do all that You want, and than so much more...

Allow your heart and mind, body and soul to wake up everyday with a Champion attitude never staying stuck only moving forward,  saying, and writing down all that you want, and all that you will do allow yourself to be open for Change, and allow more blessings to Come be Courageous Everyday and no matter what obstacles Stand in your way.... Break them Down until You Create, and make all Your dreams a Reality..Create a Life You Love and Love the Life you Live..

Go get em tiger.... you can do whatever you wanna do you just have to want it so bad, and put in the work its gonna take to get there. That's what I'm doing every single day retraining my mind, and Body for Greatness, and don't let the negative Nelly's stand in your way surround yourself with like minded positive leaders that make you better after sharing time with them, than you felt before feed off of each other, and the ones that do not do anything to lift your spirits and only suck you dry, or do not have the same vibrations as You... pray for them, and set them free. You have no Idea how many friends I have had to delete from my life, because of this now obviously I can not Delete my spouse, or kids so I must train my mind to stay strong in order to deal with them.....Stay in Peace and remember to always live the" Impossible Dream"..... and Create a beautiful amazing Life for you, staying Healthy and active and eating great amazing smaller portions all day Long...
Peace and Love Always , Ursula

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