Thursday, May 13, 2010

The to do list

Good Morning,
Sometimes we get so many things going on that its hard to focus on the big picture of which one is the most important. I have been struggling in this area so much this week trying to figure out which business to give my full attention to, and what my family needs, and what I need. Do you ever feel like your to do list for the day is impossible.

Some weeks are like this for me, and for some reason this week has been packed full of so much to do, and there are only so many hours in the day. People assume since you work from home that you sit around, and eat, and have a relaxing life. Yes we do have a great life working from home but it takes alot of hours if you want it to be successful, and some days I just don't feel there is enough hours.

The house has to be kept up, yard, laundry, errands, kids activities, and a healthy meal on the table by 5:00pm....When I think about everything I do in a day I get tired, and feel ready for a vacation. For some reason when mom is not home the house falls apart. We have a way of making everything work, and making everything great...But sometimes like this week it gets a little draining, so this is where I get to take some time for positive thinking for myself, and realize that I am only one person, and if everything doesn't get done... that's where the teenagers get to step in and do the chores.

My daughter loves laundry and in the summer when shes home that's what she loves to do, my boys on the other hand do not like chores so its more of a struggle. I have to fight with myself to make them do it consistently even if they don't do it, like I think it should be done. My personality is to do everything, because then I know its all done right, and that is not good, so i work with my kids daily to get them to learn how we work as a family, and get it all done together.

I'm learning to take the pressure off myself daily, and allowing them to take over more, and focusing on my Business more, and less on the perfect house, because after all there will never be a perfect house, it will always be lived in. Learning to let go as a mom has been very challenging for me. I have always done everything, and been a high achiever, and to let go of responsibilities is huge for me, but I know they need to do chores in order to grow and learn and be able to take care of your home.

So let go Lady's out there, and let your children learn how to clean, and take care of a home and even cook once in awhile. I know that the moms that work outside the home there kids have to that's great. I'm learning lessons everyday and doing my best to stay on task , and not worry about tomorrow, today is all I have to be concerned with.

We can take care of ourselves first as moms and not feel guilty for deserve to make your needs a priority,and then and only then can you have enough to give to anyone else. learning to love yourself, and take care of yourself and not everyone else all the time will free your spirit to soar and create the life that works well for all of you. because after all you know the saying" If moms not happy no one else is in the family" So I encourage myself and you to take the pressure off yourself, and only do what you can do , and don't feel guilty if everything on your to do list doesn't get done there is always tomorrow.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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