Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Folow the bright side of life

Good Morning,
Pouring rain right now outside my window so peaceful and relaxing. For me I love the sound of rain and the smell of the air when it rains it seems so clean and fresh to me. I love to open the windows and bake, and clean my house on rainy days...Don't ask me why I guess its some sort of therapy for me when it rains.

We all handle life and situations in different ways memories of what are parents did and creating new things that work for us. Do you ever wonder why we do the things we do? and why we like the things we like? We are all so different and we all need to celebrate that and find out what are purpose on this earth is. there is much to celebrate in life if we choose to focus on the things we love.

Yesterday I have to say was a big struggle for me to stay positive, and that is not like me, but do you every feel that sometimes you have to allow yourself to feel your feelings, and cry and do whatever you have to do, and then cleanse yourself from that and then move on, because today is another day and brighter days are on there way.

I found myself focusing on all the bad situations that happened this last week and attracting that energy to my life and over analyzing situations that are out of my control and that is my past way of handling things. So today I recommit to live healthy, abundant, positive, happy, and laughing as much as possible, and I choose no longer to give negative thoughts or energy a place in my life...That is not the way to live, and only creates tired sad days, and I will no longer be a victim to that life style. much easier to laugh then frown.

I am in control of my thoughts feelings, and actions, mind, body, and soul, and no one has the power to take that from me unless I give my power away. I choose to live life as a powerful, beautiful woman... owning my power daily loving god myself, husband, family, and friends...With peace that passes all human understanding, and allowing God to use me how he chooses. Brighter days are here and today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I claim a new bright beginning following my passion, and my heart to guide, and lead me to a bright beautiful loving happy life. do something great for yourself today and please always allow yourself to look at the bright things in life. let your spirit guide and lead you in the right peaceful direction.

Peace and love Always, Ursula

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