Friday, May 7, 2010


Good Morning,
Happy Mothers Day... to all you wonderful moms out there. Now I want you all to remember how wonderful you are, and what a big responsibility you have raising children...It is the hardest, and yet most rewarding job in the world. Make sure you take Sunday for yourself. Do not cook let your husband do it or go out to eat, and if your spouse forgets to put you first that day, and does not by you a gift, and treat you like there Queen. Go shopping for yourself, and buy whatever you want.

Take care of yourself, and do great things for yourself everyday, but especially on Mothers Day and your Birthday....Those are the days that I do no cooking. my family knows they get to cook those days or go out to eat. Mothers are so busy and responsible for keeping the family running, as smooth as possible, so please Lady's on those days allow yourself to be pampered...You deserve it... you work very hard, and deserve to be valued, and loved.

I just heard a story on the daily Buzz that woman on Monday are getting a hold of these online married cheating services the day after Mothers Day, because they don't feel loved or valued by there Husbands...Men listen up don't let this happen to you. You can make the effort to buy your wife a special Gift, and cook for her, and tell her how much you love her, as well as showing it in your actions. That's all it takes men...You CAN DO IT.

For the single moms out there you can make your day special too, and you deserve to do so for yourself, and it doesn't have to cost alot of money. Even if you have to eat out at fast food they have alot of healthy inexpensive items on the menu. So whatever you love to do, do it. Please do not waste one single moment on pity parties, try not to have any expectations of what someone may do for you or get you, and then if something that you thought would happen doesn't. you wont be disappointed, and then if something wonderful happens, than that is just the icing on the cake.

I spent many wasted years expecting everyone to do everything for me on those days, now I just make it happen for myself, and I set the boundaries for my family to cook those days, and treat me better than they always do. Love big, and treat people the way that you want to be treated, and it will come back to you in abundance.

Make your Mothers day the greatest most fantastic Day ever,and men please treat your wife the best, and please when you buy her a gift buy her something that she will Love,not what you Love. Listen to want she wants and ask her what she wants.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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