Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Good Morning,
FRIENDS... is what I want to talk about today. Do you ever sit and think about your true friends..WE all think that we have many friends, casual Friends, personal friends, long time friends, family friends, and on and on.

How many of you can honestly say they have a friend that despite what happens in your life that they are a friend that you have for life, and they will except your flaws and all. How many times do you have to put a false way about you just to be accepted by a person you think is a friend. Do you know if you even have a true real authentic friend? That will be with you even through the hard times?

I made a decision in my thirties to no longer worry about impressing people to make them my friend. I made a decision that even if I had to be alone that it was better then having a fake friend. So there was some time in my life that I had to eliminate bad seed I choose to call them, and when you do that you realize you don't really even miss them, because they were never really truly your friend after all. I decided to look deep within my heart and discover who I truly am as a woman, and began to start loving myself just as I am and something incredible starts to happen when you do that.

It was like a big light bulb went off in my head and I discovered that I am valuable, and lovable just as I am, and them I put out positive happy energy, and started attracting the same thing in the friends I now have...It is like magic when you look deep inside yourself, and be who you were created to be...Now life and Friends are amazing and I can honestly say now i have true Authentic friends that I choose to have in my life, that I can be honest and open with and they except me... flaws and all.

I wish there was some way I could teach this to teens because teens just want to fit in and be excepted even by fair whether friends that would through them under the bus in a heart beat. knowing what I no now hopeful I can instill some of these lessons in my children, and even if they don't listen now some day they will understand.

I want to encourage you today to look into your heart and see if you to have true authentic friends in your life, and if you do reach out to them today and tell them how much you love and value there friendship, and the people that you think are your friends... but are not I encourage you not to give them any space in your life (Get rid of the bad seeds in your life and make room for positive happy like minded people like you) What ever energy you put out is the energy you will get back and attract...So attract a match for you today, and if you already have great match's of friends hold on to them.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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