Monday, May 24, 2010


Good Morning,
Do you ever wonder as a mom whether or not you are doing the right thing as far as raising your kids and guiding and leading them in the right direction?
I guess we will never truly know weather or not we are doing the right thing until they move out and say the words we long to here"Mom Dad you were wonderful parents and we love you" The reason I'm talking about this today is because while I'm starting to go through the horrible teen stuff that I'm dealing with with my oldest son. I want to keep the hope and faith that everything will be OK with him and he will see the light, and know that we did everything that we could for him , and more, and now he is starting the bad stage of sneaking out.

I had no idea what to expect going through the rough years everyone has a different story's, and my mom use to say to me what ever you do to me you will get it back when you have kids. 15 seems to be the age that there hormones are going crazy,and they want to be excepted by there friends ,and for some reason they forget to say NO when there friends come knocking on there window in the middle of the night you do everything to secure your house and yet they still manage to find a way out, thinking that running around the streets in the middle of the night is fabulous not thinking about what kind of trouble they could get into only thinking about staying up all night and having fun.

Then us as parents are assuming everything is OK we are all in bed and you get a call in the middle of the night saying they have your son in the back of a cop car... Imagine for a minute how that feels as a parent to get that kind of call when you think your child is sleeping. I'm praying for peace, and strength knowing this too shall pass.

Someday I will look back at this time and realize We survived, and hopefully this will teach him a huge life lesson, and its never to late to turn things around.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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