Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

Good Morning,
How great it is its my daughters Birthday day. She is growing, and getting bigger,and taller everyday day...just a reminder that before I know it she will be off to College. It seems like just yesterday that she was my baby, and now almost grown up man how the years go by so fast. Cherish every moment with your kids, because one day they will be gone, and then you will be dealing with the empty nest syndrome.

I can remember when my kids were young saying to my self" I cant wait till my kids are all grown and out of the house", and now I'm saying to myself "Wow its almost here" it is crazy how time goes by so fast the older we get.

Are you ready for your kids to be raised and gone? Are you preparing them for there future to live on there own? I sure Hope I am, But now days everything is so expensive that who knows when they will be able to move out, maybe they will live here during College years, maybe I will have them in the home longer than I planed... who Knows you never know whats going to happen or what path they will choose...Who Knows...That's why I always say just focus one day at a time, and live each day the best you can cherishing them as long as you can...Even when there teenagers and you'd like to kill them because of attitudes and bad choices.

We get to love them where they are at, and know... this to shall pass, and are parents survived teenage years and so shall we . I was always so scared to have teenagers, because of what I did and the stories I have heard from other teens, but there is no way to avoid it so we must embrace even hard times, and know when there hormones are raging...this to shall pass. I pray everyday that God will give me the strength to handle Three Teenagers, and enough money to afford to feed them, and there friends.

Its not like it use to be these teenagers now are huge they are bigger than most Adults it seems, My oldest sons friends all look like Huge football players, and body guards, My son is six feet, and skinny, and his friends are six feet and huge, and my daughters friends are all like they are in High School, and they are all middle School girls...its crazy.

Big huge B-day party planned for my daughter Friday night she is always so excited, and my husband and I are so excited for it to be over. Lots of action here all the time raising three Wonderful teenage kids, and all the friends. I had no idea how busy it was going to be. I'm taking Balloons, and Lunch to my daughter today, and she said "Mom I have not seen any other parents bring there kids anything for there Birthdays all year" So I guess its just me that has always try ed to make there Birthdays a Big Celebration, and let them know how Loved they are.

Make today the greatest Day Ever Peace, and Love always, Ursula

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