Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday morning

Good Morning,
I'm working in my outdoor office today, and decided to write, alot has been going on. A death in the family my husbands grandma died last weekend, she had been in a nursing home for a few years so we knew it would just be a matter of time, they seem to fail faster in those places, and my grandma is in a Alzheimer unit, and my neighbor also died, growing older happens, and we just have to know that when they do die that they are in a better place.

My mother is sixty six, and has never been a part of my kids life, because she is an alcoholic, and very selfish. so sad to say, she has been dead for awhile also, it feels like. When I say to my kids do you want to go to grandmas house they all scream 'No at the same sad, Are you alive and present in your life? or are you merely going through the motions to try and survive. Are you happy? Are you living life to the fullest? How would people remember you, if you died today? These are the things I always think about, are you leaving an impact on people around you, Are you a caring and loving person? Are are you known as the fun killer? Deaths in the family always make me feel like I want to do the best for myself, and my family, and the people around me to leave a positive mark on this world...Lord knows we have enough negativity around us, we do not need to contribute.

Look at your life today, and think about someone you loved that died, and ask yourself what kind of person they were, and what kind of person are you going to be remembered for when you die. I encourage you to Make some great positive changes for yourself today. be a loving nourishing person. Laugh as much as possible, and focus on whats good, and not bad you can retrain your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Do it today, Blessings Ursula

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