Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Good Morning,
I feel refreshed, and back to normal, last week was very different my husband was practically home all week because of a power outage. My husband means well, but hes the type of husband that doesn't know what to do when hes home so he just sits in his recliner all day watching TV, and wanting to know everything about everything wanting me to sit there with him. I cant stand it, because I am the opposite I take the kids to school come home ,workout, write my Blog. I hardly watch TV. I feel like hes kind of like having a kid at home to cook for, and take care of. Don't get me wrong, I love him it is just that we are so different, and the things that stimulate his mind, don't mine. Like I like to stay busy... so I can think of projects for him to do around the house, and he would rather waste his day watching TV, and that is annoying to me. So when hes gone working all day I have time to miss him, and that makes a stronger marriage to me. Plus I don't have to see him on the recliner wasting the days. Now if you ask him he would say that he loves being home spending lots of alone time with me. I guess that's how woman are different then men. I'm always thinking about everything that needs to be done around here, and he just wants lots of days off. I can see why so many marriages have problems when they retire, because they end up driving each other crazy. No matter how much you love someone there are still things that drive you crazy about them.

For my sanity I have to just ignore the fact that he is different than I am, and that we both have separate needs, and wants. I do the things that are important to him.. Food and SEX... LOL and I nourish my soul by working out eating right... which is also not important to him. working at a home job that I love, and keeping positive influences in my life, and taking one day a week to be with my great positive friends, we get dressed up, go to coffee, lunch, shopping... whatever we feel like on that day, and that truly nourishes my soul, so I guess I just need to celebrate the differences between a man and a woman, and just continue doing what I need to do to take great care of myself, and my family, and not worry about anything else. By the way we are going on our sixteen year anniversary in November, so I guess I can keep going. Have a great Day, and do something wonderful for yourself, and celebrate your differences today.

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