Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Trials will come choose not to focus on them

Good Morning,
Most of the time I'm very positive, but once in awhile in every ones life there are things, and situations that happen that test how your going to react to the situation, and for me last week, and this week so far have been that way. I guess I take for granted that my life is pretty amazing, and then when situations happen to rock the boat..I feel the pressure a little bit.

No matter whats going on in your life remember to still stay positive, and believe there is a God that surpasses all understanding, and we do not no the future we just get to trust daily that God will not give us more than we can handle daily. In the past before I choose this happy positive life I choose to live. I would sit around, and have pity parties with myself, and who ever would join me.. misery loves company.

Not anymore there is alot going on in my life right now things I have no control over, I choose not to say what they are because I don't want negative situations to have any power, and when you focus on them "You get what you focus on" So I choose to focus on all the wonderful positive areas of my life... and this to shall pass. The more I focus on the positive the less the trials affect me, and I trust that all will be fine, as it always is.

Ive learned that the more I take care of myself, and keep positive thoughts the less the trials become, and soon there gone without affecting my life, and my Home business. We have the power to shift are mind set to happy whenever we want, and it takes alot less energy to be positive than it does to be negative. Stress is the leading health hazard for our body's...Worrying, and being stressed out are no longer part of my life. It is what it is...So relax, and stay in peace no matter what trials come your way.

Life is full of many gifts and blessings, and whatever someone else does it does not have the power to change you or effect you. Live everyday to the fullest loving yourself, and loving others as you would yourself, and treat people the way that you want to be treated, and Celebrate Health, Life, Peace, and Love Always..Nothing Else matters...Keep your Heart pure.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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