Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

Good morning,
Happy Earth Day to you all. What are you doing to make a difference, My family has been green for many years it makes such a difference in everything. Solar, recycling, energy star everything, lowering heat, and air during days, unplugging appliances your not using, switching to energy star light bulbs, and on and on,

We need to do this daily to make a difference not just on Earth day, also all green , and organic food, and cleaning supplies. When you make these changes, you not only help the Earth you help yourself, and your family... by saving money, and saving your health, and the environment.

Its not hard to live this way once you start. take a look at everything in your house, and make sure you have all energy star everything, and they even recycle old appliances and give you money for them, and then look around your house and unplug everything your not using, toasters, charger cords, coffee makers, and on and on they all use a certain amount of power, so unplug, or turn off the power strips. Together we can make a difference everyday, and it doesn't take much effort to recycle everything either.

Lets work together today, and always and make this the greatest Earth ever. Use less water, and wash with cold water, and get green light switches Eco dimmer switch's, there are many ways we can make these changes today, and always, so I encourage you, and myself to do the research, and find out all the positive changes that you can do today to make a huge difference.

Peace, and love always, Ursula

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