Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Follow Your Peace

Good Morning Everyone,
Well I finally filled out the Census form today, I thought I better before they come knocking on my Door...Wondering how many people live with me. It fills really good to have my schedule back exercising, Advertising, and having quiet time, I love my kids but as you all know when you have quiet time it is great, because then you have time to listen to the small voice inside... to help guide, and lead you to your Peace. Peace that surpasses all understanding.

I learned after having my kids that if I did not allow myself to have my quiet time. I was not going to make it. I have to have that time to recharge. If your cup is empty how do you expect to take care of anyone else.... Unless your whole, and peaceful..How can you be at your best.

In order to accomplish staying peaceful, and walking in Love....You must first start with loving yourself, and spending quiet time with yourself. What I have learned is you cant run from yourself by staying so busy that you make no time for yourself, eventually it will catch up with you, and you may not like what you see in the mirror when you finally slow down. You cannot run from yourself, so you might as well learn to Love and nourish your, mind body, and Soul.

When you learn to slow down, and embrace yourself then , and only then will other people, because whole people attract whole people, and half of a person, attracts half of a person thinking that will make them whole, and guess what now you have two people that are not whole. Many problems can arise because of this. It is never to late to look deep in your heart, and discover your true authenticity. Allow yourself to be, and make sure you set aside a time daily to do this for yourself...You deserve the greatest, most wonderful Life that you can possibly live. If not now, then when.... You get to ask yourself this question.

Something magical starts to happen when you allow yourself to be still, and follow your peace within your heart, and focus on one day at a time, and live a stress free lifestyle Doing what you love, and then finding a way to get payed for it. Always remember "Selfish is Self care"and God will never give you more than you can handle on a daily basis.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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