Monday, April 19, 2010

Loving Life

Good Morning,
The Weather is so sunny, and beautiful here..Life is great.
Kids are off to school, husband at work, and I get the house to myself, after a fun filled weekend with my family, lots of action when everyone is home. I just finished my workout... how great it is to have a home gym, I love that. Now today consists of advertising, and doing laundry, and opening the doors ,and opening the windows and letting the fresh air in.

I get to find a good recipe for a great healthy tasting dinner, and do what I love advertising, and making money from the comfort of my home. Life is so great, and wonderful... when you are doing what you love, and being with the people that make you the happiest.

I remember when I worked outside the home how stressful it was balancing everything, now I fill no pressure only Love , and Peacefulness, and because I exercise and eat right I feel strong and healthy, and fabulous. I have a great garden that's already starting to grow with wonderful herbs, and I only use natural organic cleaning supplies, and organic foods as much as possible.

We only have one life so we might as well live it to the fullest, making healthy choices for ourselves, and our family. How great it is to make healthy choices for your life daily, and when you do that for yourself you get a burst of energy daily... that you never knew existed before.

I choose to live well, happy vibrant , and excited daily for more to come. Loving myself, my family, friends, and work, and my beautiful Home... which I get to spend so much time at. Are you living your life to your fullest, loving yourself and your life? If not change it" if not now than when".

Peace, and Love always, Ursula

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