Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It starts with you

Good morning Everyone,
I have been trying to stay as positive, as possible even though the weather outside is dark, and cold. soon It will be nice, and sunny. My middle son came home sick yesterday, so far so good today every ones healthy.

Life is full of many ups, and downs... its how we choose to deal with them is what matters most. We get to keep the faith even through the storm, because it always gets better. just like in life we only have control over are self nobody else. I only have the power to do whats right in my heart, and I cant control anyone else, or try and change anyone Else's thoughts and actions, so don't kid yourself thinking you can change anyone else because you cant.

We only can change our self, and hope by are changing for the better that the rest will follow. Be a good positive role model, and see what happens, Sometimes it just happens naturally, as long as we are not being a nag or controlling. If you are looking for a change of attitude, and you think its everyone around yous fault... your wrong, because it starts with you. How you feel about yourself is how you feel about people...Do you Love yourself? Do you care what other people think or feel about you? Do you live to please everyone else? I challenge you, and myself to evaluate your life, and make sure that you make the necessary change today to take great care of yourself... by Loving yourself, and having a great positive attitude no matter what the weather is , no matter who is mad all around you, no matter if everyone doesn't like you, because the only one you have to be concerned with is yourself.

I encourage you today to make today, and everyday great by loving yourself, and being a great person, and doing great things for yourself , and putting yourself at the top of your to do list, and see if this makes a difference in your life, and your family's life. You do not have to worry about the storm... you get to breeze right through it. Be your best, Love yourself, and do what you Love, and watch miracles happen.... I promise It all starts with you.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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