Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bloggging what a Thrill

Good Morning beautiful Friends,
How great it is to be able to share whats going on with my life, and inspiring all through this Blog I encourage everyone to write a Blog its a great way to put all your thoughts out there in hopes of making this world an even greater place sharing your knowledge, and things that are going on I'm thrilled my neighbors are taking a RV trip all over the world till April, and they are taking pictures and blogging the whole trip so because of blog spot I will be able to follow there journey, that is a great thing, and than they will have those memories for life...

Something to think about.... whether your in business, and you want to blog about your business or just about your everyday life, whatever is on your heart that's what these blogs are great for...Me depending on my mood, and thoughts for the day is what you get sometimes beachbody business, and sometimes just daily inspiration is great...

I'm a stay at home mom 42 transforming my life daily with amazing beachbody DVDs that make me feel, and look amazing I'm having such great success with the at home DVDs that I'm doing things with this business I never thought I would ever have the courage or strength to do..Amazing how you can transform your life at any age if you want it bad enough ...I wanted it so bad that a year ago I made the greatest most rewarding decision of my life to take the plunge, and find out if beachbody at home DVDs were as good as they say they are on the commercials, and Guess what a Year later IM still doing them, and still amazed at my new body still losing inches and working on a Six pack ...who would of ever guessed, and Survived Breast cancer in the middle of getting my body back in shape, and because I found my cancer early I'm a survivor and now its like I never went through cancer. I have to say I feel the fittest, and healthiest I have ever been...So very Grateful for my new life ..Now I started a At home class using my beachbody DVDs to get stay at home moms like me back in shape...What a blessing

So no matter where you are in your life please always remember to put yourself at the top of your to do list, and take great care of your health and know your body and do self breast exams and yearly doctors appointments along with great healthy foods, and workouts at least five days a week..You can live and amazing inspiring healthy vital life its up to you daily...Blessings sent to you.
and workout with me http://youtube.com/user/6510ursula
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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