Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Its Time to Pull Together and Make it Happen

Good morning beautiful friends,
If you would of asked me a year ago when I first started being a beachbody coach if I was going to be successful at it, and be consistent, my family first and foremost would of told you no way would this fitness plan would work drinking a once a day meal replacement Shakeology for lunch everyday...My family saw me fail at every workout plan I ever started I would be consistent for awhile, and than simple get bored and quit the main thing for me I know now that I didn't have was support, accountability, and a great positive team which Beachbbody gives you when you sign up...

Do you ever wonder why you start something like a fitness program,, and get so excited for change at the beginning and than just get bored and don't see the results fast enough so you just quit and continue on eating whatever you want, and losing muscle...I have lived both ways and I can say the Difference with Beachbody over anything else I have Tryed is the Shakeology which gives me so much energy once a day, and has taken away all my cravings for bad food choices..Gone which that in it self is a miracle, and priceless to me, and I never have to worry what to eat at lunch anymore love that I just blend up my shake and add whey protein..and the beachbody DVDs are like no other workouts I have ever done they actually are Fun, and keep me motivated and inspired and my results are amazing inches lost... I get to keep my good curves with these DVDs and get rid of the toxic ones that make you unhealthy and sick..

My life is like night, and day from when I started a year ago. I went from feeling bad about myself with low confidence to feeling energetic,making YouTube videos to help other people, and digging deeper than I ever thought I could, and sharing my story with the world to keep me accountable so That I would not fail there is something amazing about having teams all over the world that are doing these DVDs with you, and we all share pictures and celebrate each miles stone of this fitness journey together I have made 100 videos on my YouTube Channel and have even survived Breast Cancer while inspiring and working out I feel like nothing can stop me, because of how great and healthy I feel everyday and I have started a class for local moms here that have noticed my changes and energy and it has made them ask me to start working out with me..So amazing it is..I'm truly living a healthy vital life that I love, and sharing all my secrets with the world, and my pray is that we can stop the obesity crisis one person at a time and I have a passion for the teens as well, because never before have I seen so many obesity kids..So sad we need to pull together, and be great role models for are kids, and change this and create healthy beautiful life's in order to stop all the diseases, and start the active healthy beautiful life's that we all deserve to live..Lets pull together on this but first it starts with you , I invite you to check out these great beachbody at home DVDs and feel free to order them from my store...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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