Sunday, July 17, 2011

your true beauty begins from within

Good Morning Beautiful,
You know the great thing I'm learning everyday is its OK to be me just as I am, and creating exactly what I want, and ecepting the things about me that I cannot change. Every one of us deserves to Love one self in a well balanced way learning to be all that we were created for, and more expecting more love and abundance to overflow are life in such a way that we get to share with all..stepping out of are comfort zone and making healthy improvements as to even be better then we ever thought we could be and no matter what trials we face as long as we have are amazing God and focus on one day at a time we truly can and will do anything we set are minds and hearts too accomplish..

another great lesson I'm learning everyday that I cannot please everyone, and not everyone will like me or what I do or what I say so the best advice I have for that is stop worrying about pleasing other people, because you never will and start living the life you Love and allowing your inner voice to be the guide for your life the ones that get u will be there and the ones that don't never would have even if you tryed to change for then ...Live life doing what you love being who you truly are authentic and true to yourself the beauty of being yourself no matter what..... is you get to create a life you Love and in the process you will find out who Loves you for You...

I believe in not compromising your true self because after all there is only one of you no one in the world looks like you, or can be you or do what you do, and thank God we all look different and act different and we have daily choices to brighten are day doing what we love, and along the way if your truly true to yourself you just may find out who truly loves you for you without,  false fake ways of being...Set yourself free today to be who you were created to be and do and Love what you want to do and stop being a follower... allow yourself to be the greatest leader of your life and watch and see how great your life will become once you allow yourself to be set free...

The days of worrying about pleasing the people around me are over and being who I'm not to fit in are over,I surround myself with people that are like minded only, and the ones that do not get me become gone and go away we all have seasons in life for friendship's and people are put in our life's for a reason to either lift us up or tear us down...You get to choose which ones you will except in your world ...I pray you will consider You today and forever and always follow your inner peace as a great guide to lead you to the greatest most grateful abundant life for you...
Peace and Love  always Ursula

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