Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BE a leader of your life

Good Morning Beautiful friends,
I'm so very grateful every single day to wake up to the songs of all the birds and the peacefulness I feel, because I'm learning about what I love, and what I love to do and learning the best ways to nourish my thoughts,  soul, and surrounding myself with things and people I love I'm allowing more in and learning I treat people how to treat me by what I allow in my life...We get to create the life we love daily through are thoughts and feelings, do you sit around and wait for other people to make you happy or do you create your own happiness daily?

I use to sit around and expect others to make me happy but there happy is not mine, so therefore I was never happy ...How could you be, Its so important to spend great quality alone time in order to dig deep and find out what you Love so many people don't even know what they love they just follow everyone else...You can either be a leader or a follower its that simple..I have told my kids this forever are you gonna follow someone Else's dreams, or are you gonna follow your own path and destiny by being a leader...Sounds so simple so why do so many of us make it so complicated, and do not allow ourselves to be quiet and still in order to discover our peace and serenity..I have had many friends say to me I hate to be quiet, and alone with my thoughts,...Why is that because if your alone with your thoughts than you have to take a deep look at your life, and it may be not what your wanting after all..
why do you think that marriages fall apart after the kids are raised or when ever..

Because the couple stayed so busy as to not deal with real issues and forgot to invest in themselves daily in order to discover that they could of fixed it by fixing themselves first its never about the other person and pointing fingers its about You and about Loving yourself enough to allow yourself to be still enough to discover You Love your passion and then taking your love and passion and sharing it with the ones you Love, Rediscovering you and loving yourself enough to look in the mirror and stop running from your life and really start living with passion and zest and the ones that want to join you great and the negative ones will have to leave your life its that simple..Misery loves company, and love and Peace love the same ...so I encourage you today to look deep in your heart and discover You AGAIN  and if your already doing this great job keep moving forward to a great abundant amazing life you love and share with the world your secrets to success just as I do with you...BLESSINGS
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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