Friday, May 6, 2011

Mothers Day

Good Morning,
Happy Mothers Day weekend what a gift Mothers Day is a day for us Mothers to be recognized for all the hard work we do on a daily basis..being a mom is one of the hardest, and most rewarding jobs in the world it doesn't come with an instruction book just have to learn as you go and when you mess up because you will, apologize and move on and learn from your mistakes and do your best to be a great role model and leader...

Being a mom comes with many responsibilities, and you wear so many different hats all the time, counselor, nurse,cook,and on and on..The best thing I'm now learning is to remember not to be a door mat, and put yourself last on the list of things to do, for some reason we think that everyone else is more important then us, that's why so many moms get sick, because they get so busy taking care of there husband, and kids and doing everything for everyone and they forget that without there health and strength they will not be able to do all for everyone...

I want to push all moms out there in the world to a Higher way of life a more vital healthy life..and to push you to a great breakthrough today forever and Always..I have set a lot of great goals for myself since becoming a Beachbody coach, and my goals are to allow God to lead and guide me daily,be the best wife to my husband, be the best mom that I can be by being a great role model, and raising amazing wonderful Loving children that have a beautiful heart and soul,and now that I have put myself at the top of my to do list,I will be the best beachbody fitness coach that I can be, and it starts with being a product of the product..

I have set a lot more great goals for myself, and the action steps to get there so today and always not just on Mothers Day, I want to encourage all you Moms out there to Love yourself enough to take great care of your Inside spirit, and soul and your Body love yourself enough to give yourself the gift of a great healthy YOU, Believe in yourself, and remember what it was like before you had kids, and all the distraction and reclaim your life before its to late... stop saying to yourself your to busy to workout, or whatever the excuses are that you tell yourself. Something magical happens when you start to reclaim your life and start working on You all of a sudden you get more energy,you get stronger daily,you get more confident, your self esteem gets better, You start to feel young again, you get rid of the bad curves on your body "the tires I call them" and you keep the good curves through these beachbody DVDs and you get to drink a great meal replacement that makes you lose weight and feel amazing,You start to feel and look the best you ever have, and you reclaim You and it becomes a ripple effect in your Life..Your husband starts doing and giving you more attention and compliments, and your kids see what a great Role model you are and value You more for it, and now I'm teaching the teens how to get in shape...

Happy Mothers Day I have some great at home fitness DVDs at my beachbody store I want to encourage you today to buy a set and start living a life you Love today
also follow along to my workouts for free to get you inspired to start your workout plan
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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