Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Good Morning,
My husband has been sick all week with body aches and flu like symtoms..which has been really hard for him to get to work, and work ten hours, so hopefully he will be better soon,and the family doesnt get it.

The leaves are falling down and its getting very cold here, kids are staying very active, and busy and there is always something going on it seems. Tomorrow is my friends day that I take a day off of work for everyweek, last week it didnt workout because of my sons doctor appointment. I am definitely ready for some fun, and laughter.... with great friends. It seems to balance the week alot better. Moms need some time for themselves, we are always giving to everyone else all the time, you have to give back to yourself or you will burn yourself out, and will not have anything else to give. So I encourage all the moms out there to find some wonderful like minded people, and meet with them for some fun whenever you can. Men as well need there guy time it is therapeutic,for all of us. I talk alot about a balanced life that included putting yourself on your to do list, because most moms out there get so busy fixing, and taking care of everyone around them that they forget that in order to take care of everything... you first have to take care of number one....You. It took me along time to realize this for myself "selfish equals self care" Moms in order to stay healthy you have to workout at least five times a week, and eat healthy meals, and have lots of laughter, and people will start wanting what you have, and its that simple, and then and only then can you ... be a great wife, mother, and friend. so I encourage you to put yourself at the top of your to do list today. Have a great day.

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