Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday morning!

Today I would like to share how important it is to treat people the way that you want to be treated. and setting goals and purpose in our life. I wake up everyday thinking to myself today is going to be a Great Day, and spreading that Joy to everyone I come in contact with in the day. Yesterday was my daughters Friends Birthday, and she stayed the night with us. My Daughter wanted to take her rafting with us since it was her Birthday, and she had never been rafting before. I said to my daughters friend arent you going to have a birthday party this year, and she said no not this year because my mom is remodeling the kitchen, so she said I cant have one this year. Can you even believe what message she is sending to her daughter. She is saying the kitchen remodel, and her needs are more important then her daughters birthday. Devaluing her daughter, not even willing to have the party somewhere else. The only reason I am bringing this up is to give you an example of the lesson, Im talking about today. I feel that is a huge lesson to teach our kids. Sometimes in life things dont always just fall into place like we think they should. We as Mothers, and leaders of our home have to create happy positive memories for our familys. The more you do this the happier, you are and your family are going to be. By taking good care of myself, I can create a positive outlook on life. It takes work treating people the way that you want to be treated. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Focus on the positive, and stay away from negativity. Your kids will watch you as a positive role model and will get it. They are like a sponge. If you have a negative person in your life Try focusing on the good about them not the bad, and start writing about there good qualities, and see if that makes a difference. Keep High Vibrations even when your around one of the people in your life that loves gossip , and is always talking negative about someone You know. We all have at least one like that in our life. For me its my Mother. I cant remember the last time she talked about anyone nice she always thinks everyones out to get her, and steal from her. The energy we put out is what we attract. We have the power to create a happy family, and a happy life. Have a Amazing day today do something good for yourself and others.

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