Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday morning.

Monday mornings come far to soon, After having three days off. Im awake once again kids are sleeping after there big fun filled weekend of riding in small planes at the Richland Airport, Swimming, and going to a car show. It seems like we seem to pack in as much as possible on the weekends. We like to keep them busy on the weekends, and get the Boys off the Computer, that seems to be there favorite pass time. This Morning I am in my office focusing on who I need to call to set appts for today, and again enjoying the Quiet time while I can. I can hardly believe that June is almost over. Where has this Month gone. It seems the older I get the months just fly by. I took my fourteen yr old son to the doctor last week for a sinus infection and he is 5"10 and 130pounds. He is taller them me now. I am 5"7. It is amazing how they grow up so fast and get so tall. I am so grateful that I work from home. I get to be a fulltime mom. One day soon they will be off at College. I get to look back at all the pictures, and memories, and have no regrets. I got to rase them which is a Wonderful Gift. You Too can create Wonderful memories with your kids and stay home. If you want it create it . Learn how you can make your own hours, get residual income, and make money while you sleep.

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