Thursday, June 18, 2009


Good morning. Today I want to talk about how important it is to take care of yourself. When I first had my kids I had them very close together, and nobody can tell you what it is going to be like to be a mom you have learn as you go alone. It is a learning proccess. I feel like there needs to be a healthy balance between being a good mom, and taking care of yourself. So what I have learned through this being a mom thing. In order to be a good mom you have to first takecare of yourself. Being selfish with yourself is self care. If you fall apart what good are you to yourself or your family. The more I learned this the healthier and Happier I am. I look back at my mom, and her decisions and choices she made while we were growing up. She chose alcohol, and so did my dad. It was her way out to eliviate her own childhood pain. She never excercised and always felt tired and cranky. This is a prime example of how not taking care of yourself can lead to disaster. To this day she is an alcoholic, and never sees her grandkids. So on a happier note I would like all of you moms and dads to really think about yourself more. Put yourself at the top of the list every morning. Pick healthy meal choices workout at least three times a week shoot for five. Go to your local farmers market load up on healthy fruits and vegies for the week. keep fresh fruit out for your children to enjoy. I keep a big bowl of fresh fruit on my dinning room table, and all day long my kids grab and eat. It works wonderful. Stop buying pop and junk. I have a juicer, and I juice for myself and kids. Would it be great to wake up and feel good everyday. You can its your choice. So if anyone is wanting to be healthier start today you are the leader of your home, and if not now when. Live life to its fullest.

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