Monday, March 26, 2012


I'm happy to report its been a year and many months now since I decided to become a Beachbody coach. I never started with the intention to get rich from it I started with the intention to get me back the part I lost back with accountability all over the world and to force myself daily to become the product of the product and I knew that if it worked for me well than anyone could do this program, and be successful I never put myself out there and speak about something that I have not tested first with myself, and I would never tell someone to do or try something unless Ive tested it for me I have had a blast transforming me daily, and I just cant stay quit about how much my life has changed, and everything I have discovered about myself in the process...I feel like Ive been on the Biggest Loser show, because I have taped all my workouts, and journey on YouTube and I love sharing my story with all, and I have allowed my life to help so many people along the way, for me its not about money I don't send people emails saying you need to join Beachbody and bugging people I simply just share my life story daily, and create friendships...

I only want people to join my team that are serious about changing there life as I have I don't want anyone that doesn't want to give it there all. I look at my team as we are here to stay fit 4 life champions, and when the going gets ruff and tired as it does to get back up and keep going that's what Ive done and that's the type of people I'm looking for more people like me to join my team, so Ive always known that if I can do it anyone can and there has been many days that I had to be my own cheerleader to pick myself up when I'm sore and keep going,,knowing the end result will be worth it no matter how long it took to get there..

Ive created this new life I love and I'm doing things Ive never done before daily. I follow my heart and passion and wherever that leads I make a video about it, and I continue to search for people like me with warrior spirits that will fight for there life's back and reclaim there energy and vitality..That's whats the most import thing to me its never been about the money its about helping myself before I can help anyone else, and wherever that leads I'm extremely blessed and grateful daily to be doing what I love every single day becoming the inspiration and role model to my family and friends..what a Gift I gave to myself..
my prayers will always go out to all of you for strength and courage to get you through this life you can love. I'm turning a hobby that I love into a Business and that's the greatest reward.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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