Tuesday, March 13, 2012

set yourself free and be you

Good Morning,
I'm a morning person so I'm up and at it at 4:00 getting my husband off to work and than I lay down for about 15 Min's and my mind is already planning out the day I'm so programed now on the life that makes me feel the best that my mind always jumps ahead and takes the lead while I'm laying down in the morning always thinking of new ideas to write about and always thinking of my workouts and getting the kids off to School this is how I live everyday planing out each day for success..

So when I hear people say there bored or that there life is boring I have to say that's your fault boring people get bored. I make my life in such a away even though its mostly the same thing each week cleaning cooking laundry, I put in these great alone times for me in my schedule as to take care of me and not get bored, because what I have found if you start writing out a successful plan of action for yourself making sure you put your hour at the top of your list well than everything else always gets done, because you have the energy to do it and your happier while you do it even if its just cleaning the house like us moms and dads do...

I find that everything just gets better and that's why I keep doing it not only am I transforming my body I'm transforming ever area in my life and I find because workouts are a huge stress reliever I'm such a happy person now not much brings me down, and when life gets crazy as it does I can handle it more with Grace if I would of known all the great side effects by taking one hour a day for me I would have never ever stopped this way of life this Is why I talk about it so much, because it changes your life not only physical but mental well being is so much greater like now my husband thinks I'm living in fairy tail lane because the things I use to get mad at before and focus on I don't... I do me and that's what makes me happy everyday I don't think about what I'm going to do and process it and wonder what people might think about my lifestyle. I just follow my heart and passion and the rest follows into the greatest life ever its never about the other people in your life making everyone else happy that will never happen and not everyone will agree with you or even like you so do yourself a favor set yourself free from everyone Else's approval and do you and create a healthy balance in your life today that's what its all about you don't have to be a body builder just get moving something is better than nothing...Never expect someone else to make you happy make yourself happy..

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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